Podcast & Video Review


Addie's Daddy
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This info almost makes me want to move out of the sticks so I can get off dial up. It takes me for freakin ever to download. Thanks for the links though.
It's really great to see so many of the "new media" shows getting such warm response from everyone. Formats for every taste, no oversight by big brother and room for more to join in! It is indeed the golden age for cigars, and that's what it is all about!
With the exception of Cigar Alliance, I have listened to all of the shows listed (Cigar Alliance is on my list of things to check out, and is long overdue). The great thing about them is they all have something different to offer and provide interesting info.

I wish I had the time to keep current on all of the shows, there is just a huge amount of information to gain from each and every one of them.