Possible Online Cigar Texas Hold 'Em Tournament?

Master of Disaster

Maturing Primate
Alright..... I just had this idea and I haven't thought it all the way through... so give me your advice....

There are all these online casino poker rooms: pacific poker, party poker, ultimate bet.. etc... there are dozens of them....and they let you play for "pretend" money. Usually they set you up with $1K or so of play money.

I think it could be fun for us to all put up 1 or 2 cigars and log into a room on a designated night/time and play until there is a last gorilla standing....

The winner takes all the smokes! We could do it once or regularly... or not at all...

Let me know.... maybe it's a dumb idea...or maybe I haven't thought it through and there is a reason it wouldn't work....or maybe you're just afraid I'll take all your sticks!!!!

Master of Disaster said:
Alright..... I just had this idea and I haven't thought it all the way through... so give me your advice....

There are all these online casino poker rooms: pacific poker, party poker, ultimate bet.. etc... there are dozens of them....and they let you play for "pretend" money. Usually they set you up with $1K or so of play money.

I think it could be fun for us to all put up 1 or 2 cigars and log into a room on a designated night/time and play until there is a last gorilla standing....

The winner takes all the smokes! We could do it once or regularly... or not at all...

Let me know.... maybe it's a dumb idea...or maybe I haven't thought it through and there is a reason it wouldn't work....or maybe you're just afraid I'll take all your sticks!!!!


Been playing for "play" and "real" money on Pokerstars.com for a while and we could do it there too. I'd be in.
Sounds like an interesting idea. But wait a minute. Does this means that the guy named Poker is also going to be in? Then Im not so sure anymore... :)
I play quite a bit at True Poker. (And Club 101, and Garden City, and Artichoke Joe's) A tourney would be fun.
A few of us here,,Treyjo, one pyro tech along with other players from the Poker site SIDE POT & Cigar Utiopia forums are playing every weekend at play4fun poker. If anyone is interested in getting involved in these tournaments. Go to sidepot.com to find out how to get signed up and then start playing.. We have 3 tournaments on Sat and one on Sunday everyweek..

Jerry in Minnesota.
Ok... I say we do it then! Couple of issues to work out:

1) Where? I've seen about 5 places thrown out and I've checked most of them out.... TruePoker seems like the coolest... because it gives you a graphical representation of each player and includes sounds and stuff... pretty neat..... Some things to think about - Most table seat 10 people... I've seen between 9-12 people here say they are interested.... also.. How do we keep non Gorillas from sitting down at one of our tables? Are there any sites that will host play money private tournaments? TruePoker might do it... but I haven't done enough homework yet....

2) When? A weekend... at night... but do we want to make it a regular thing? Any suggestions...?

3) Stakes? both real and play.. how much play $$$ should we sit down at the table with and how do we translate this to smokes? Everyone puts up 3 sticks? Everyone puts up $15 worth of cigars? $8? $50? Ideas?

What else I'm I missing? I haven't put a lot of though into this so I'm kind of thinking out loud... Rules? Pre registration or whoever shows up? Does anybody that knows what they're doing want to take over from here? Any leaders?

Let's do this thing!!!