Question about VAT for UK/EU gorillas

D. Generate

El Dudarino
I've ordered quite a few boxes in the last couple of months from a vendor. On the last box I was informed that I would have to pay VAT because it was tobacco.

The cigars originate in the EU. They are labeled on the customs slip as cigars and a total tobacco weight is listed.

Now I have received 5 shipments with no taxes assessed. On the last one I was sent a bill by the shipping company for £90. I don't know much about the tax structure here so I'm wondering if I just got lucky the first 5 times, or if the shipping company is wrong here.

Any insight into the tax rules on receiving tobacco in the UK from within the EU would be appreciated.
Hey Buddy,

From what I know (as I used to drop-ship in the UK) its kind of a luck of the draw type of thing. I've done several orders that way and never gotten charged however on one of the last orders (last year) I was assessed the same fee as you for the Vat taxes.

Like I said, not 100% sure just my own experiences bro

Yes you got lucky the first 5 times. I had two boxes pinched at Christmas time a few years back and had to pay the man.

My question is why do they call it a Value Added Tax (VAT) I don't get any extra value out of it. Bastages.

there are ways an unscrupulous lad couold avoid this irritation :D

It is a hit or miss thing. I had another box on the way that I ordered in between my last one arriving and receiving the VAT bill. This one escaped their scrutiny apparently and just arrived today.
i always thought - if the parcel originated in the eu (alcohol, tobacco - anything legal) - you didnt have to pay import or VAT on it - because it's from a member of europe.

i might be wrong (and if i am im sure lumpy will correct me lol) i'll try and get him to have a look at this thread when he's around

also, how you doing d.generate - not seen you in a while:p

i always thought - if the parcel originated in the eu (alcohol, tobacco - anything legal) - you didnt have to pay import or VAT on it - because it's from a member of europe.

Nope - that went to the European Court last year for clarification.

You do have to pay tax/vat for mail order.

However if you actually go to a member country and bring it back in your suitcase, then no extra tax is payable.
Ah ha, that explains it. I had the same assumption as Andy that it didn't apply for EU member countries. I guess I'll use it as an excuse to visit more cigar shops when we travel.

I'm doing well, Andy. Good to see you here. I want to do another herf in London when the weather improves. Maybe a barbecue or something as well.