Quintessential Cigar for Guests

Any regular padron maduro. I keep several boxes around, just so damn cheap and so good that I have no hesitation to give them to a non cigar smoker.
I know I don't have tons of selection to offer them but when people come to the chu to smoke I try to ask a couple of questions first. I ask them if they have had cigars before, smoke them often, or whatever. (If I already don't know these things.) Then off their answers I try and point them in the direction of a cigar thet will fit them. If they know what they like I let them have whatever they want but alot of times people don't know what they want because they are newer to smoking then me, it may even be their first cigar so I look for a couple milds and suggest one of those. But I never have just grabbed one and said here smoke this.:2
I'd go with the Taboo Twist Robusto.

It is mellow enough for a novice or nonsmoker. Inexpensive enough to spread around. The wrapper is impressive looking. AND it is a boutique that they can't find just anywhere that sells cigars!
There is something to be said about that. Smoking a different cigar than my guest always seems to make me feel as if I picked the better stick - or in the case of Old Sailor, gave the guest a crap stick. :D

That is also true. Usually I will smoke the same if I have more than one, but if not I will smoke something that looks less impressive than theirs. But I would never give a guest a Macanudo robusto and grab a CC Cohiba for myself. It doesn't matter a whole lot though, because I will never give a guest something I don't like and they know that (unless it's one of my buddies, and he likes certain ones I don't). I ask them what they want (strong or mild or in between) and show them a number of ones, telling them the brands, and let them choose based on the size they want.
I'd offer a hemingway maduro, most likely.
Sweet, mild, and tasty, it just might make a cigar smoker out of them. :tu
I'd offer either of the following:

RP '90
Vegas Gold
Fonseca 5-50
Monty MN

I find these to be in the mild to medium range producing good smoke and decent flavor. I feel any of these will help make a nice introduction to terribly slippery slope!! :ss
Padron 2000 Maduro. Not super powerful, tons of flavor, and not to mention CHEAP - so if they chuck it after 3 puffs they did not just toss a $15 BGM.
I've had good luck with giving no regular smoking guests AF 858 Naturals, Punch EMS or Maduro, H. Upmann vintage Cameroons or Perdomo Champagnes.
The last guest that was over my house was my old mailman (He retired).
I knew that he is an occasional cigar smoker so I opened the cabinet door and told him to have a look. He picked a stick out to smoke and then I picked a stick out to take with him. I pretty much do the same with all my guests that are interested in cigars. Nothing I have is off limits. However, I will speak up if I think the cigar is going to make the guy sick. For me, sharing a cigar with a friend (new or old) is not about the cigar, but more so the experience of sharing a cigar with a friend. Now that being said, I have noticed that some of my guests (family included) have a knack for picking out the most expensive sticks in the cabinet.
I'd go with the Taboo Twist Robusto.

It is mellow enough for a novice or nonsmoker. Inexpensive enough to spread around. The wrapper is impressive looking. AND it is a boutique that they can't find just anywhere that sells cigars!

:tpd: I was reading this thread thinking Taboo Twist.....
Padron 2000 Maduro. Not super powerful, tons of flavor, and not to mention CHEAP - so if they chuck it after 3 puffs they did not just toss a $15 BGM.


Or a Punch Rothschild natural or maduro. These are also economical and a nice smoke!

The name sounds like something you would serve at a dinner party!
I usually pass out 5 Vegas Gold, Felipe Gregorio Dominicana,
or Perdomo Slow-Aged Lot 826.
Most occasional smokers don't like anything stronger, I find.
If I have any mild to medium tubos floating around I like to offer those. That way they get a little souvenir that they can bring with them to the B&M if they decide they want to try another one. I try to keep a few of the Mac Hampton Court varieties on hand for such occasions.
If I have any mild to medium tubos floating around I like to offer those. That way they get a little souvenir that they can bring with them to the B&M if they decide they want to try another one. I try to keep a few of the Mac Hampton Court varieties on hand for such occasions.

Not only some interesting cigar recommendations have come up, but also some good tips. :tu
If I counted right I'll be the fourth recommender for a 5 Vegas Gold.

Try to give them a general cigar lesson. I know with us men there is the whole machismo thing :D so it would be a good idea to explain, for example, that "mild" refers to the level of nicotine in a cigar and not its general strength.

Another key would be cutting it right. This way they don't have an unraveling cap/head and/or bits of tobacco in the mouth ending up as Skoal Bandit dip. :tu

The last key is to educate them on how to light it. My first few cigars were harsh, flaming, scorching haystacks due to torching the end and puffing on it like a Back to the Future III train :tg.

Perdomo Campagne, I second that.

I've had good luck with giving no regular smoking guests AF 858 Naturals, Punch EMS or Maduro, H. Upmann vintage Cameroons or Perdomo Champagnes.

These are my personal favorite lighter cigars that I give to occasional smokers. Mild but with lots of flavor. Well made with no burn issues.