Rock Star Rocks!!!


Home sweet Home!!
Had a chance to herf with Rock Star (Fred) on Friday night. We met up at a B&M lounge had a few Beers and a pizza.. I had a HDM Epi #2 and a Jose Pedra compliments of Fred. After that we headed down to the Lodgebar to hear the band.. All I can say is that Fred Rocks on drums. If you guys ever get a chance to hang with Fred don't pass up on the oppertunity. He is one Classy BOTL.

Rock on Fred and thanks!!!
I agree. He is a great guy. I met up with him last weekend and had a good time. I didn't get to see his show tho. Next time he is out I'm gonna hit it.

Why the name change fred? You a wanted man in minnesota now? :D
backwoods said:
I agree. He is a great guy. I met up with him last weekend and had a good time. I didn't get to see his show tho. Next time he is out I'm gonna hit it.

Why the name change fred? You a wanted man in minnesota now? :D

People were thinking my name was Rob so I figured I would change it early to avoid confusion in the future. Yeah Im wanted by alot of girls :r Yeah Right..