Rocky Patel Meritage Blend


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Don't know how new these are, but RP is a cigar blend crank out machine. I think quality has suffered in the recent past. I find many blends that I initially truely enjoyed have suffered, such as the OWR and RP SG (which used to be my favorite).
I totally agree with you guys! My favorite RP was the OWR Corojo and I have noticed that they have gone really downhill! RP needs to focus on superior quality for what blends he has right now and not come out with a new blend every 5 days!!
Are they really running out of names? If they came out with a silly name, I would prolly buy it on principle. Like Rocky Patel Sassy Pants blend...or maybe a Rocky Patel Major Silly Captain blend? I'd jump on that! :r
If they came out with a silly name, I would prolly buy it on principle. Like Rocky Patel Sassy Pants blend...or maybe a Rocky Patel Major Silly Captain blend?

Hahahaha :r Man that got me rolling :D Yeah, I'd totally pickup a Sassy pants blend as well! Probably be hard to smoke though being I'd be laughing non-stop.

Ah dude, don't tell me that.

Ok, I wont...

Seriously, it is hard to beat the Vintage and OWR. I havent seen a drop in the Vintage quality however I would be interested in someone seriously showing a difference in quality - is it due to our being peeved at him going so big like your favorite band when they start getting popular and show up on the radio or is there really something to it?

I would really like to hear what you guys think...