Rocky Patel Vintage 1990

Just tried above cigar last night and really liked it. The pre light smell of it was almost like a chocolate bar. It smelled so sweet and didnt disappoint when i got it lit. I want to try the 1992 vintage too. I would like to say thanx to ron from the humidor for the tasty stick(one of many). I hope i remember correctly, Sorry donovan if you gave me this one. It's hard to remember when you walk away from a herf with like a hundred dollars of free smokes! Not that im complaining!:ss
Isn't life just grand when you fall into something like that. Awesome, will have to find another smoke or two for you to try.
For me, these are indistinguishable from the firsts. I don't even buy the firsts anymore unless they happen to be bundled with a sampler i want.
i just bought one today. i have never tried one or any patel for that matter. but i am hopping to change that tommrow:ss
I lit up my 90 last night and I have to say it was simply wonderful. I smoked it down to the nub and also nearly burnt my finger. It was a great cigar. I am going to let my 92 age for a bit. Not sure how long I will leave it thought cause just thinking of it makes me drool:)
I just picked up a 90 and a 92 today. My question now is should I let them age for a while or smoke them right away?

Believe it or not ,I enjoyed them a bit better without too much age on them. Pick up one more of each and let them age and smoke the ones you have.
havent tried the 90 but got a 5ver of 92s off the debil and really enjoyed the 1 that i have gotten in to. gonna have to get some more of these badboys and give the 90 a shot
I just picked up a 90 and a 92 today. My question now is should I let them age for a while or smoke them right away?

I have been working through a box of the 90 Sixty over the past year and have found that they have been better with a little age. They are great right away though, so I'd smoke them now and later if you can and see how they progress for you.

I would also recommend the Sixty size to anyone on this smoke. I found the draw to be a little tight on the toros and churchills, but not at all on the Sixty. Big billowing clouds of smoke with each puff and it doesn't burn too hot at all.
I also enjoy the 90 & 92 2nds, especially since cbid has them everyday for a steal. But I never under stood why no one sells 2nds of the Vintage 99. Unless the seconds are sold to CI for their RP Connecticut Label.