RP "The Edge" Toro Corojo

Grumpy Dano

Lost In The Jungle
I was not planning on doing a review for a while because of some personal stuff I am going through right now but I smoked this stick just today and it was a lot different than I had envisioned so I thought one more before I have to be out of touch for a short time.


First things first, some of you may remember my last review, you know the one, where I smoked a great stick BACKWARDS?, I am still reeling over that mistake, but I am old and a newb so I have excuses. :r

This one didn't let me light the wrong end cause Rocky has a band on the foot for us dummies to know at least where to start! And yes before you ask, I took the band off with ignite'r in hand, so there was minimal possibility of screwing the pooch once again.

Pre lite inspection shows a firm and solid stick that was not too solid and was covered with veins that were regular in formation and didn't look like some of the road maps of veins I have seen on other sticks. It looked like it was solid built and I was anxious to get it going. I was a little apprehensive as to the specs about it being a very full smoke, as I did not want to be buzzed out of my head afterwards, so I was careful and eager at the same time.


As you can see here, the veins were there and I punch-cut it as it seems that's the way I enjoy my smokes more than the guillotine cutting.

The first third was spicy and a little peppery but never was it harsh and it was easy to snork, but be careful at the beginning. The snorking was a lot more mellow as the smoke went.


The ash held on forever and the thing I noticed during the first half was the coolness of the smoke and how it mellowed out quickly. Again as I love to do, I never rushed it at all, trying to sense the flavors and at the same time keep both my feet on the ground in case it was as strong as I have heard.


It took on the appearance of wanting to burn irregular, but it always corrected itself all the way through the full length of the stick. Once the ash fell, the cone was uniform, and I never had to re-light at all.


Good view of one of the veins. Again at the middle part it continues to be a good solid smoke, but never overpowering and I even got a sense of sweetness to the cap area and to the aroma of the smoke as well.

Also it never got hot. Maybe that's due to the fact I don't like to rush it, but I really do believe that taking your time, especially with a strong smoke allows you to enjoy the flavor and at the same time keep the harshness and temperature at a minimum.


Again it burned very even all the way to the finish.

Now that its over with I look back and wonder where the strength that I have read about was; because even at this point, it was still flavorful and enjoyable.

This lasted for over an hour and a half, never going out and never hesitating like it was about to go out.

Getting up and walking I noticed I felt refreshed, but not buzzed as I had feared due to what I had read about it. Right now, maybe 30 minutes later, the after taste is still very pleasant, and I would recommend this to anyone who wants to try a full bodied and full flavored smoke.

I don't have a rating system as I don't really believe in them. No two ratings are never alike nor are the people who venture out and try a smoke they have never had before.

Again I lit the right end this time and I really enjoyed it start to finish.

I am anxious to try the maduro in this line as I do like maduro's for the most part. Maybe it will kick my butt but this one just nudged me a little into wanting more, and at my age wanting a little more is a plus for sure.

Thanks for listening, and reading and God bless you all!!

Great review! I am a big Patel fan, never had this one though. A bit of RG for ya on this one. Thanks!
Wow, nice review! The Egde is one of my favorites by RP. In my experiences the nicotine buzz never happens while I'm smoking, I usually feel it about 20 minutes after I've put it down.
Great review! Definitely pick up the maduro. I have had both and I favor the maduro hands down (being a maduro lover, I am a little biased). I have only had one of these kick my but out of numerous sticks I have smoked (I didn't have enough food in my gut I think).

I would also recommend the Liga A sticks from Cigars International. They are basically RP Edge seconds (they have minor color flaws or other such things, nothing really affecting the flavor or smokability). The normally priced Edge is not in the everyday smoke budget for me, but the Liga A sticks are (I think they are ~45 bucks for a bundle of 15 iirc.)

Anyway, I highly recommend them. Once again, great review and great pics! :tu