smoke best at 65 or 70 rh

i used to think people were stupid if they smoked "dryer" cigars. I thought, "you idiots, more humidity without mold = better!"

I don't think that way anymore. After caring for my own cigars over the course of time, I just prefer 65.
I first started out at 70% since that's what "everyone" told me to store my cigars at. I've since settled on around 63% RH.

But as with all things, best to determine for yourself.
63% to 65% works for me.

I'm with this fine Gorilla Here...

Though I'm just a noob, but any drier they seem to get harsh, any wetter, well...I'm not sure, but I don't want to find out. Besides, 65% humidity Beads are easy to use!!!
Not a ton of Hassle...
Keep in mind that, unless you have a laboratory certified/professionally calibrated hygrometer (the kind you get from a laboratory supply house), the accuracy will be +/- several percent RH. So, even though you *think* that you are at 65% you may actually be at 62% or 68% or anywhere in between. Typically, this shouldn't present a problem but it is helpful to keep that in mind. (For what it's worth, I use a professionally certified hygrometer and have my humidor dialed-in at around 65%-66%, give or take).