Smoking Ban in AZ (Phoenix)


5 Rings and Counting
How will the new law effect Cigar shops? Cigar King has a nice room. Tim (Habanos Torres) enjoys smoking outside his shop with the customers. Will this be a thing of the past when the new law goes into action on May 1st.
I don't know what the exact details are, but Cigar King has said it won't hurt them in any way. It probably helps them that they are in more of a business park than a retail location. Not sure if it will change anything at Habanos Torres though.
I doubt any of the businesses in Tim's strip mall will complain. Considering how many cops frequent the shop, I doubt the law will be enforced. He'll have a lounge soon though.
We've had a total smoking ban in Prescott AZ for a year & 1/2 now. What it's actually done is save me a ton of money (more cigar cash!) because if I cannot smoke in bars, I do not frequent them nearly as often. Rather than going to bars about 7 times a month, I go about 2 or 3. And instead, I invite people over to my house. We smoke inside or on the deck, & it didn't take long to learn that it's cheaper to pour drinks for 5 friends than it is to buy 3 drinks in a bar. Plus I'm a personal friend of the jukebox at home, & I very rarely get kicked out for being too obnoxious. As far as cigar shops, we have a VERY limited choice (& lousy at that), so I don't frequent them.
As far as cigar shops, we have a VERY limited choice (& lousy at that), so I don't frequent them.

Of course what Prescott lacks in cigar shops, it makes up for in sheer beauty. I LOVE it up there! Good solution on the party@home by the way :tu

As for the phoenix smoking ban, cigar lounges must be exempt because Tinderbox, Matchstix and O'Shea aren't the least bit concerned (other than the potential global effect in sales..)

I actually am shocked that these laws are passing at all in a state that loves it's personal liberties. I guess that's what happens when so many new arrivals impose their will.
Of course what Prescott lacks in cigar shops, it makes up for in sheer beauty. I LOVE it up there! Good solution on the party@home by the way :tu

As for the phoenix smoking ban, cigar lounges must be exempt because Tinderbox, Matchstix and O'Shea aren't the least bit concerned (other than the potential global effect in sales..)

I actually am shocked that these laws are passing at all in a state that loves it's personal liberties. I guess that's what happens when so many new arrivals impose their will.

Well the next time you plan on coming up, PM me!
Our next big party will be June 9. Still searching for a theme. Our last one was in March, the Official Opening of Martini Season.
As to the assault on personal liberties, I believe the term "new arrivals" can be translated to "Californians" - just the view of a libertarian anarchist, don't mind me.....
Oh, & yes, I do believe that cigar shops are exempt under the law, so long as they provide adequate ventilation.
I actually am shocked that these laws are passing at all in a state that loves it's personal liberties. I guess that's what happens when so many new arrivals impose their will.

I don't live there but frankly I'm shocked too. Is this or is this not the state that still has the occasional bar out in the boondocks with a sign out front that asks people to check their weapons in with the bartender? hehe.
Hell, this is the state that tried to pass a law ALLOWING people to carry their firearms in bars!!! The supermarkets used to have the signs asking folks to check their weapons at the front desk. My, how times have changed!
What would AuH2O think?

I'm pretty surprised about that. Glad nothing like that is happening in Texas... yet.
Hard to say what ol' Barry would say with the state of things today.
To put it in real perspective, tho, folks in my area (Prescott) used to think he was just left of center!
I suppose I should clarify I'm not among them. Like I said before, I 'm just a simple libertarian anarchist!