smoking ban.... like I need a Governmental nanny...

Edmonton has already gone this way. Basically unless you are in your own home you can't smoke. Where I live it's not quite as bad. We can still smoke in bars that don't allow access to minors.

It's always bothered me that the party line on this is that they are protecting the health of the employees that work in these places. What a crock! I mean honestly, if you apply to work in a bar, expect there to be smoking, it's just that simple. If you absolutely cannot work in an environment where there's smoke, don't apply to work at a bar! DUH!!! There are plenty of places that are already smoke free, go work there. Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now.

I feel your pain my friend. Hopefully someone errs on the side of reason for you guys.
WOW, this is getting ridiculous. I'm seeing state after state fall to this evil bs ban like dominos.

So far Virginia smokers have dodged the bullette as this type of bill didn't pass here this time around.

I'm sure it eventually will and that is sad, honestly I find all this government encroachment on civil liberties absolutely depressing.

I am just disgusted with the whole thing. It use to be that Republicans were for small government and now they created the most intrusive government we ever had.

Democrats are all for smoking bans so we all are left in the middle without anyone voicing our side.

Sorry for the rant, I'll get off my :sb now.

It's just a very sad state of affairs.

The uninformed voters here in Arizona passed a state-wide smoking ban that takes effect on the first of the month. What a bummer!!!
Well it will get worse before it gets better. Out here in San Francisco they have banned smoking a cigar on the GOLF COURSE! Thats sacrilege. Yep I guess I need to protect the squirells from second hand smoke. :mad:
Well it will get worse before it gets better. Out here in San Francisco they have banned smoking a cigar on the GOLF COURSE! Thats sacrilege. Yep I guess I need to protect the squirells from second hand smoke. :mad:

they can ban someone from smoking out doors???? :confused:

Let me guess but you can still some a cig but not a cigar??

wow maybe it was better that I moved back to germany.. :u
Those damm fascist! :sb Want's sad is that we allowed the anti-smoking nazi's to take away our constitutional right to smoke.
First it's our right to smoke, then it's our freedom of speech... I live in CA. and I'm mad as hell ! :bx
It's the tail wagging the dog again, and it's happening at a frightening pace!

There are no trans-fatty acids in my 5-Vegas.... When I smoke my cigar in public, it produces far fewer carcinogens than the car or bus that just whipped by me.

I believe that we should organize a national "Smoke-In." And that we should point OUR fingers at those who waste fuel and produce HUGE pollution in their efforts to finger our petty little hobby!

Okay... I've vented... I feel better now... I believe that I shall enjoy a cigar!!
We loose our freedom, not all at once, but bit by bit. The new congress has thus far bosted that more legislation has passed threw congress in the first few months which is more than the republican congress did in 4 years. Personally I like it when congress only pass a few new laws that is if their absolutely necessary.
We loose our freedom, not all at once, but bit by bit. The new congress has thus far bosted that more legislation has passed threw congress in the first few months which is more than the republican congress did in 4 years. Personally I like it when congress only pass a few new laws that is if their absolutely necessary.

As a general rule, the only good legislation is that which repeals old legislation (God bless Ron Paul). We should be in the habit of expanding our liberties, not restricting them.

P.S. Goverment Nanny says: Shut up and take your soma pill.