smoking location

Me and the guys built a hunting lodge abotu a 1/4 mile from the house over the last few years. Many a cigar has been toasted out there. Its a nice set-up with many windows, a bar, and a wood stove for winter smoking and shooting.

If that is to far or there is a project going on the garage is also a go-to.

Still my favorite was my first year in college when me and a friend went shopping in Canada, and had nowhere to smoke in the winter. The old Volvo sufficed, and to this day still has a hint of that night in it.
Almost all my routine, stationary smoking is done in my two-stage "Smoking Lounge" (my back porch and attached deck.)


I've rearranged it a bit since this picture was taken in May, but I still haven't rescreened it. Provides protection from the elements, and a ceiling fan does a nice job of dispersing the smoke. Plus, the wife won't join me unless it's running (so, it doesn't always run...!:ss) And the smoke does a nice job of dispersing the bugs, so why bother rescreening?

If I'm feeling mobile, I'll smoke in my 98 Ford Explorer on the way somewhere. With the windows open & a leather interior, I usually don't have much problem with stale odors afterward.
Patio in summer. If it's raining, I move it into the garage where I have a 50 ft coax line running into the kitchen.
normally out on my front porch...nice seats, an overhang so i don't get rained on or anything, and a light for night smoking.
Most of the time I sit on the covered front patio to keep the rain off. The back patio is uncovered and the kids' bedrooms are directly above it so all the smoke would get sucked into their rooms by their fans. For the few really cold months I smoke in the garage. It has a beer fridge, a small TV, and my MAME arcade cabinet so there's plenty to do in there.