spent cigars


Maturing Primate
What do you do with your cigar when you are finished smoking it outside?
I generally remove the band & discard it into a nearby bush or my wife's garden. I tell her it's good fertilizer after it breaks down. Is this "urban legend"? Do decomposed cigars enhance garden soil?
This is an urban legend..just ask Al..he plants stuff and knows about that schtuff....

I usually disband the cigar, then take off the wrapper...then unbind the binder and filler. It take a sec or two but its interesting to see and sometimes you'll see two different binder colors.
I just drop it into my ashtray, then when I go back inside, throw the butt/band in a ziploc baggie, then flush the ashes like I normally do. Once I get enough butts/bands in the ziploc I throw it out.

That way the trashcan doesn't smell like ashes, and I still get rid of them in a manner that's neighbor friendly.
I usually disband the cigar, then take off the wrapper...then unbind the binder and filler. It take a sec or two but its interesting to see and sometimes you'll see two different binder colors.

And then whip out the Lava soap to get the stank off your hands! :ss

I've actually often thought of disecting my cigar but haven't yet. I probably will do it because, like you, I'd like to see the innards and I'm not going to ruin any cigar beforehand out of curiosity, no matter what it is!

Once I'm done, I cry a little and ask my wife to hold me....and then pass another stick my way.

But seriously, I let the cigar go out, take the band off if it's still stuck on there and I was too worried about fiddling with it too much while it was burning. I put the band in my pocket or wallet to put in my journal later (where I keep a log of the type of cigar, size, when & where I bought it, the rating, price, where I was when I smoked it, what I thought about it, etc. - so i can come back & see what I liked when my humidor is low).

Then I'll throw the nub in my sand pail where I collect a few until I get off my lazy a$$ and throw a bunch of them in a ziploc bag and then in the garbage can. The ziploc bag keeps the smell inside and all the stray ash & bits and stuff.
I keep an old coffee can outside and dump my ashtray into it. On trash day I dump the can into the trash and live to smoke another day.
I remove the band, if I haven’t already, and dump the nub into my Stinky ashtray and forget about it. Then every couples of months or so I’ll empty the ashtray. Oh yeah, the ashtray stays outside. :D
Tobacco may not be a good fertilizer but it is an excellent "green" pesticide.
Some tobacco companies sell powdered tobacco to spread in the garden to eliminate bugs. A friend of mine with a big garden takes cigar butts and soaks them in a bucket until a nice brown soup is made. He then sprays this in the garden to kill bugs. He swears it works great.
Ashes from the Stinky go into the dog's poop pail and the butts go into the yard for the mower to demolish. I bag my clippings, so it's easy and non-stinky.
If I'm at home or in a bar, I leave them in the ashtray until someone comes by to clean up after me.

If I happen to be outside (golfing, driving, back porch), they usually just get tossed wherever.
I put them in my stinky ashtray, and when the ashtray is full, I have a mini trash can that I dump the ashes in. When that gets full, I dump it in my trashcan and let the trash man take care of it.