spent cigars

I throw mine in the neighbor's pool.
Kinda funny, cause he comments how constipated the squirrels are and feeds 'em Ex-lax..... which, in return makes his deck look lovely!

It's a wonderful cycle!:D I sit there and smoke a cigar while he washes his deck... then when I'm done and he goes inside... ploop, in the pool it goes and ready for tomorrow!
I throw mine in the neighbor's pool.
Kinda funny, cause he comments how constipated the squirrels are and feeds 'em Ex-lax..... which, in return makes his deck look lovely!

It's a wonderful cycle!:D
Next time, please put in a spatter warning. This is the funniest thing that I have read in a while and I now have to clean iced tea off my screen.:r:r
When at home I just toss them in the yard, the mower helps to mulch the butts. Other places I am more respectful and use an ashtray.
I live in a brand new development, so the water-filled pit that will someday be my neighbor's huge is doubling as the world's biggest ashtray at the moment. Normally I just leave the butt in the ashtray until at least then nest day, then throw out the butt & ashes in my garage garbage.
Bands all go in a nice jar on top of the fridges which I got from IKEA.
I save the bands and toss the butts into the firepit. It makes my campfires smell like fine oak with traces of Madagascar vanilla. :chk
When I'm grilling, I toss them in the Weber. Otherwise, I toss them in the yard to confuse my near-sighted old dog. :)
Tobacco may not be a good fertilizer but it is an excellent "green" pesticide.
Some tobacco companies sell powdered tobacco to spread in the garden to eliminate bugs. A friend of mine with a big garden takes cigar butts and soaks them in a bucket until a nice brown soup is made. He then sprays this in the garden to kill bugs. He swears it works great.
Nicotine is the major active ingredient in most pesticides :tu

I take the bands off my cigars and save them, and throw the butts in the trash...simple as that ;)
I use a slingshot and aim for birds. or the trailer park. Or anything that I might think I can hit, depending on the blood content of my alcohol stream...
I eat mine for breakfast ... :r

Actually I have a large terra cotta planter that is full of evidence. I dump it once and a while, this way it doesn't look bad in the yard. It also allows me to throw in the end of the sticks still lit which help with the smell.
I don't seem to follow a pattern... sometimes they end up in the yard, sometimes in the trash can, sometimes they just seem to disappear from the ashtray when I leave them out on the patio overnite. Maybe the woodchucks or the deer eat 'em
Chunk 'em into the cannas in the backyard.......if nobody is watching. Usually bag 'em and trash 'em if somebody is around.

I really hate it when the ashtray gets rained in while full. Seems to have happened a lot this summer. Stinky nub soup doesn't really put you in the mood for another cigar.
I mail them to pnoon. :)


:r :r
I have a small aluminum trash can outside that I dump my spent butts and ashtray into. It has an attached lid with a foot pedal to open it. The can is small enough that I can use the plastic bags that you get at most grocery and discount stores as liners. When it fills up, I tie the liner shut and toss it.