Storing cigars


Young Chimp
To everyone, thanks for all your good information. I have learned alot from this club. Now, for more.
I have only been a LLG for a short period of time.
Right now I have a nice humidor ( desktop ) with a Cigar Oasis and another humidor that holds 40 with Credo type humidifier.
I keep buying cigars and need alot more room. I read somewhere in this club that alot of people are storing cigars in the original box, which means if I decide to do that I will need more room. I am ready to buy one that will hold 5-6 boxes and still have room for singles and Cigar Oasis. Any suggestions.
I personally just use one big cooler for everything. I used to keep my small desktop in there for storing singles, but I now use shallow, stackable tupperware bins for the singles. I would invest in one of Bob Staebell's units if I could, but I'd have to hold off on buying anything for quite a while. LOL
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-02 AT 06:55 PM (CDT)]Make yourself a coolidor. Some people get fancy, but I just take a 40 quart Coleman cooler and throw in 8-10 cedar sheets (cigar box dividers), an oasis and some cigars.

Check out this link for some pics of some coolidors:
I don't actually have an aristocrat, but one of my neighbors does, I have an el cheapo 350 count desktop. The Vicksburg, it works pretty good.}>
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-08-02 AT 10:35 AM (CDT)]I read your post and tried a coolador the next day, cost about $60 and works like a dream.