Survey - When you say that looks good


Alpha Silverback
Hi I'm in the mood of taking a survey :)

When a lot of people post pictures of Cigars alot of people reply with ooooh "that looks good" dose anyone realy feel they can see from a picture if the cigar is so good? or its just the general expression of reacting to somthink that looks tempting?

Some of it comes from past experience, if you have had the cigar before. Also if it has similar characteristics of good smokes you have had.
I just follow the crowd....

I rarely see a cigar that wouldn't look great in my Humidor waiting for a fiery death so I would have to say its lust and envy and a compliment of sorts....

My opinion is that "most" (big disclaimer) cigars look good. So the majority of the time when I see a cigar I say ooooh "that looks good" unless I know from experience the it is not good. :tu
If its Fuente or Pepin, even if I haven't had it, I automatically assume it's good because I've never disliked anything. But stuff like Padrons that just LOOK good, I'll say the look yummy, even if I don't really like em.
Some of it comes from past experience, if you have had the cigar before. Also if it has similar characteristics of good smokes you have had.

I just follow the crowd....

I rarely see a cigar that wouldn't look great in my Humidor waiting for a fiery death so I would have to say its lust and envy and a compliment of sorts....

I agree with the above. Very rarely do I find a stogie that would not look good in my humidor. There are some that I do not like, but at the same time why should I discredit someone for their likes or dislikes.
Some stogies ... pic or in person ... just look fantastic.

Case in point : Litto Gomez Small Batch

"Damn ... that looks good" !!!!!
If it doesn't have any beetle holes and no tears in the wrappers they all look good.

Looking good and tasting good are two different stories.:ss
When I say "that looks good", I am referring to the wrapper, the banding and apparent quality contruction.

I like oily dark tobaccos, they just look appealing to me.
