Tatuaje Red Label Verocu with a heaping dose of Vitamin N!


Arnold is numero uno
I had a steak dinner and then headed down the the local B&M for the usual Tuesday evening get together.
Brought along a few cigars.
Tatuaje Havana VI -Verocu - West Coast
Taboo Twist Robusto
AF Short Story Maddy

I had some Coffee, water and then lit up the Tat.
First Tat ever for me.

Nice bite in the beginning. Great construction, had a little trouble staying lit but that may have been my fault. I was running low on fluid in the lighter and could have toasted the foot better. Good draw, but not perfect for me.

Spice, leather, cocao, nutmeg, all wonderful.
I could tell halfway through this was no Mini Cooper with a trunk of Nicotine, it was a full blown Dumptruck.
I imagine there are sticks with even more Vitamin N which I would call a mining dumptruck, but this was a regular construction dumptruck of Nicotine.

I finished that puppy off in about 1.5-2 hours and I could tell, even sitting down, that I was woozy. I sat chatting for a bit finished my water and coffee and said my goodbyes.

Got home and the fiance' looked at me and said "Are you ok?"
I just chuckled and said, "Yeah, that cigar kicked my tush a little"
She just laughed.

So Review
Construction: 10
Draw: 9.5 ( not too tight, not too lose, just not ideal for me)
Taste: 9
Aftertaste: 8
Vitamin N!: 12

Verdict: 9
Wow seemed like the last red label I tried was milder tan the brown label. Maybe I need to get into my stash of west coast and try them out.
Wow seemed like the last red label I tried was milder tan the brown label. Maybe I need to get into my stash of west coast and try them out.
Hey who knows, maybe it was just me?
I had Camacho 10th Anny's the past two Tuesday evenings and had no ill effects. In fact went on both time to spark up a an other stick (Short Story, and RP 1990 Perfecto) with no side effects.

Maybe I should have had more sweet potato with my Steak before this smoke.
Nice review.

I just had an East Coast and didn't get kicked by the nicotine. But I've been smoking daily lately.
The West Coast Tat had a sick period a few months after they came out that lasted for a few months.

I am very happy to say that I smoked another one from my stash this past Monday and it was better than I remember them being when they first came out.

If you have any left, you might want to give one a try.

Very good review. As to Vitamin N, it's all gonna be relative. I'm not overly fond of the nic as it seems to close the back of my throat, but I do like a spicy (read that as bite maybe) and a full bodied smoke. No wimpy or thin tasting or smoking cigars.
I also smoked quite a few and never got kicked with the Vitamin N. I am surprised with a big steak dinner as well. They are some great cigars that should agen nicely.