Thank You CS

I'm not sure if I am posting this in the right spot. Mod's please move if you need to.

I would like to thank all of you that have placed orders with us. The orders for our Taboo Samplers have been rolling in. I would also like to thank those that have taken the time to post reviews. If you have not tried all of our blends, please do. You will NOT like all the blends, that is why we have 11 of them! There is better than an 85% chance you will love at least one of them. For the prices on the Taboo (especially with your coupons) Taboo Cigars are hard to beat on quality, taste and value. Quality cigars and Customer service are our #1 priority. If the website shows out of stock, please call. That is not always the case. Shipments arrive daily.
Please see our coupons in the Retailer section.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
We are very thankful for your support

I have been to other cigar forums and CS stands alone!:tu