Thankyou CS!


Jordan #2
Because of you, I no longer have closet space!



I posted pics of my EMPTY, BRAND NEW, 100ct Humi last Monday... :D

Watch out for that last step.... it's a doosey... ;)

I had a sneaky feeling that it would be less than a month before you had one of those..:ss

Slope?? WHAT Slope...:mn
The reason for it being that big is I was limited by my fiance to under 50 qt's!

She allowed me to get one, if it didn't surpass that size.

She's too good a sport, to not follow that one wish :D
Your more than Welcome! You know, the best thing about CS is the advice is like a water faucet that you can't shut off, and it is always free. So, when are you gonna purchase your second one? :ss
I remember you ... You can't say you weren't warned.

(Find an out of the way spot for a second cooler, maybe under the bed in a spare bedroom. Put it in a plain cardboard box and mark it "Do Not Open Until Christmas" just in case your honey finds it.)