The Illusione M7

So groogs, do you find the CG4 as bland as I do or does it just not suit your tastes? If it is the former then I may have to try some of the other lines. :tu

It just didn't seem to have the signature Illusione taste to me. I thought it was really lacking in flavor all around. If that is the only size you have tried, I would suggest that you give some other sizes a try. I would suggest the MK, HL,or 68 if you can get them. Those are the best smokes in the line IMO.
Also, please try the holy lance. I think, by the ever so lsightest margins, it is my favorite Illusione. I'd offer to send you one, but I'm out.......
Also, please try the holy lance. I think, by the ever so lsightest margins, it is my favorite Illusione. I'd offer to send you one, but I'm out.......

I haven't had an HL that I liked. They have all been flavorless and just overall bland. :2
I haven't had an HL that I liked. They have all been flavorless and just overall bland. :2

Theadjack on

Darrell, just curious, how many have you had? Our tastes seem to run along the same line, skull and bones bracelets not included :)ss) and these blow me away. Thanks bud.

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Theadjack on

Darrell, just curious, how many have you had? Our tastes seem to run along the same line, skull and bones bracelets not included :)ss) and these blow me away. Thanks bud.

Threadjack off

I think 3 or 4. I'm pretty sure it was 3.
Interesting thought. I enjoyed the cg:4's I have had, but tend to really like perfectos. I thought about getting a box of the M7's, but couldn't convince myself. I'll have to track down a few singles and see how they compare in the larger ring gauge.

I'm with you there. I generally let a stick rest for a month or so when it comes from an unknown humi (ordering online), so will keep looking for it when I drop in to random B&Ms.