The rules of the house....

I thought you guys might get a kick out of this, or be able to share your own experiences. My fiance (who lives with me) has put some cigar rules in effect.

she told me I was "out of control" when I bought my cooler. and that I have more cigars than I smoke and need to dwindle down my stock (I only have maybe 60-70 cigars). :ss

1. I am no longer allowed to buy boxes-- I have to buy lots of 5 packs and/or samplers to figure out what I like before buying a whole box. I bought a box of Garcia y Vega (before I found this site....kinda gross. didnt smoke them). And a box of Punch Elites--which was to celebrate my daughter's birth, so it shouldn't count.

2. January is done. In Feb I can buy ONE (1) 5 pack, but that's all. Then starting in March my limit bumps up to 3 (three) 5-packs per month.

3. No smoking inside (kind of my rule too). but because it is around 20 degrees outside, I've been smoking in my "mini-mancave".... a small storage room off of my carport where I keep my tools and things. And now a folding chair and a makeshift ashtray, along with an electric space heater, :r

I think that's all, for now.

do any of you guys have similar restrictions or rules on your purchases?
My wife is less then thrilled with my cigar smoking but does not and would not tell me what I can and cannot spend my hard earned money on. Hell, there are alot worse vices to go broke on and she realizes that.
My wife's pretty good about it. Neither one of us is a fan of being told "No" when we want something, and we're both pretty reasonable people. She doesn't understand my obsession with this (or my other hobbies) but I don't understand her need to have 50 purses and 7 pairs of black shoes... so whatever.

I think the important thing in a marriage is to come together on the major issues, but to allow each other the freedom to explore their individuality and hobbies without a lot of restriction.

That said, if your hobbies are seriously financially taxing, then perhaps it is a major issue. I don't get that impression from your post (you seem downright reasonable, to me) but I'm just sayin... know what I'm saying?

As far as smoking in the house... yeah, I can't get her to budge on that one either :)

I too have the little hideaway in the garage with my ipod dock, a comfy chair, a lamp, a space heater, and some good books I'm working my way through. This'll get me by until the weather breaks, and I can return to the front porch.
My wife's pretty good about it. Neither one of us is a fan of being told "No" when we want something, and we're both pretty reasonable people. She doesn't understand my obsession with this (or my other hobbies) but I don't understand her need to have 50 purses and 7 pairs of black shoes... so whatever.

I think the important thing in a marriage is to come together on the major issues, but to allow each other the freedom to explore their individuality and hobbies without a lot of restriction.

That said, if your hobbies are seriously financially taxing, then perhaps it is a major issue. I don't get that impression from your post (you seem downright reasonable, to me) but I'm just sayin... know what I'm saying?

As far as smoking in the house... yeah, I can't get her to budge on that one either :)

I too have the little hideaway in the garage with my ipod dock, a comfy chair, a lamp, a space heater, and some good books I'm working my way through. This'll get me by until the weather breaks, and I can return to the front porch.

well we're trying to tighten the budget since we just had the kid, and trying to get her to stay home from work for a while. cancelling cable.... and other stuff like that.

and it is give and take too...i let her buy a sling thing for the baby, and I bought a 5er off of a BOTL here. :tu

I think her limits on me are funny, but smart because before I bought that box, but I definitely need to sample lots of stuff out there to figure out what I like.

Nice to know I'm mostly not alone, though.

I need to get some books in my room....hmmm That's a good idea.

I'm looking forward to springtime!
My wife and I worked out the money thing awhile ago. Every month we each get our own 'allowance'. I buy whatever the hell I want (cigars and rum usually) and she does the same (purses and clothes) and nobody bitches about anything. We never have the typical "you spent HOW MUCH?!" arguments that a lot of young married couples go through :)

But for you, bomb a few noobs and then show her your empty cooler!
My wife is less then thrilled with my cigar smoking but does not and would not tell me what I can and cannot spend my hard earned money on. Hell, there are alot worse vices to go broke on and she realizes that.
You may consider addressing this now, before marriage...unless it doesn't bother you that she tells you what you can & can not do. (My guess is that it will bother you as you get older).

I found that compromise works in my wife and I each get $X per year to spend as we wish...same amount for both of us. I spend it on racing and cigars...she spends it on manicures, etc. Just my :2 and I hope this helps.
my condolences chupa:D

You guys with wives who have their own fetishes are lucky that something equitable with your own desires can be sorta worked out...what happens tho when your wife has no "hobbies"? :tg
What can a young semi newly hitched chimp do? hehe I got the "death stare" for picking up the little $20 item in my avatar
My wife gave up a long time ago. She was like that forever, but now she just yells if I "stink-up" the house. And when she finds the invoices that state how much i really paid.
I'm not married, or engaged, and still in college, so the money question and budgeting as a couple really haven't come up yet.

There are two rules however - Don't come to see me until you've A) Showered and B) Brushed your teeth at least twice
I love my wife!

I am fortunate that my wife doesn't mind my cigars (or my other, expensive hobbies, like fishing). In fact, she usually buys me some of my better sticks :tu

[old sage mode]
Like others have said before...make sure and address as many potentially fatal issues BEFORE getting married. We've been married 15 years, and we addressed a lot of issues before we said "I do", but it is amazing how much work being married takes day by day!
[/old sage mode]

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my wife?
My fiancee bought me a cabinet humidor for xmas '06 -- over the last year, and particularly the last couple of months, I've stocked it full up. Then she asks why I need so many cigars. What did she think I was going to put in the humidor? It's not bad though -- she's pretty good about it all. She's even considering letting me convert a small room into a man cave. (It's her house, so patience is in order.)
My wife only has 2 rules: no smoking in the house and only put cigar butts in the can outside (don't empty the ashtray in the kitchen trash can). Otherwise I do as I please, but then again I'm the tightwad when it comes to money.
My wife and I have negotiated a very fair allowance for me before we got married. During the winter I use it to buy cigars and the rest of the year I golf and smoke the cigars I bought over the winter.

I'm not allowed to smoke in the house either, so I just go down to the B&M
I will throw my situation out there...

I am a Father of 3 boys her 2 girls and OUR 3yr old..neither of us care too much what we spend money on or how we spend it..well NO HOOKERS AND CRACK but as long as the bills are paid and the kids are feed we each have an allowance..Before my loving wife I had no money and now if everything above is taken care of I can spend my allowance how I see fit.

With a new child things change and I am glad that you seem receptive to the "House" rules..And YES I do as I am told (pretty much) by my wife cuz she A) knows better than I and B) I wouldn't be the man I am today without her.


Me and my wife never argue about money since both of us know how much (or lack thereof...heh) there actually is. Like right now with the birth of my last child money is a little tight until probably March when I will have all those medical bills paid. After that I know how much I can spend and will do so accordingly. I can honestly say though she would NEVER TELL me what I can and can't spend the money I earn on. Same goes with the smoking in the house rule...if I really pushed the issue I could smoke in the house but even I don't like that second day smoke smell. I figure if I have as much trouble as I do getting the smell out of my truck as I would the house I would annoy myself...:D
Otherwise I do as I please, but then again I'm the tightwad when it comes to money.


I don't spend very much on cigars. In fact, I bought a box last month of RyJ Cedros fro $75.00 and that was the first cigars in a while. I'm trying to save as much as possible.

The monthly allowances is by far the best policy for the marriage.