The sweet sounds of Brazil and music


After an interesting few days (along with an eventful visit from schweiger_schmoke), I delighted myself to one of my CAO Brazilia Cariocas -- a little 4 x 38. It took all of 43 minutes to enjoy this bad boy...43 minutes of bliss.

I got the "new" LG Chocolate the other day, and as teenily-chic as it may seem, it is a pretty cool phone, with a price below $100. I took that, and the 20 or so smooth jazz songs I'd put into it, with me for the smoke.

Let me tell you, this is just what I've been waiting for. It was probably one of the most relaxing smokes I've ever had, and that's no exaggeration. Just little ol' me, a Brazilia, and some good music. Not to mention the calm weather and solitude that comes with an 11 PM smoke.
