The three C's.

Having choices in what to smoke is the great leveling field for all smokers. Whether you have a second home humidor or a 25 count desktop, we all have to confront that "moment" when it's time to grab one and treat it like a witch in Salem. (Cut it's head off and burn it) So which one? Do you have a process that varies from storage to smoking? Why choose one vs. another?

Back in the late 80's / early 90's I bought one of the original traveldoors, the road warrior by Burning Solutions. Over the years have accumulated probably 20 or 30 different sizes shapes of devices to carry cigars around. Still go back to the original as it seems made out of thicker but softer plastic and has that "feel".

Not really the point here but anyway.. Assuming we all have cigars and smoke them just was curious about others mindsets on the actual process of selecting a stick to smoke and thought I'd share mine.

To me smoking is all about the three C's, circumstance, company and cigar when it comes to enjoying the "experience". It's strange that the three c"s also have an impact on or differ in the process of preparing or selecting cigars to smoke.

I use the old burning solutions as my personal, portable ready to smoke stash. Keep 60% beads in it and sometimes keep them a bit dry. Seem to keep likeing my cigars dryer and dryer for smoking. When something here or elsewhere reminds me of a cigar, or creates interest, will dig one or 2 out and put them in either the traveldoor or the desktop 60% drybox.

Company while you are smoking is the best. The occasional smoke in solitude for me at least becomes to occasional. Having my friend Sam available for daily lunchtime, few times a week smoke room TV times is a blessing that I wish could be bestowed on everyone here. Cigars to me, are more appreciated with friends. Best appreciated with good friends. The company aspect is what changed my routine from 1 to 2 cigars into the ready to smoke box. Need 3's once or twice a week when Doug is in town from MI.

Circumstance is alluded to above. The routines that govern our lives become integrated with our smoking experiences. Planning is hard when you have choices. Going to herf’s is the best and the hardest. Based upon who is coming what you would like to share with friends, what you have already shared. Unless your real anal and keep gift and share records (I don’t) it gets confusing. I store my cigars at 62-64% RH. Like to smoke them at 60% or so. Been creeping the humi down a bit to closer to what I like to smoke as it’s hard to plan for everything.

The cigars themselves are the least important to me. Circumstances and company may dictate (The above C’s) the cigars chosen to smoke but hell I like em all. (You know what kind) Any cigars shared and enjoyed with friends become the placeholders for fond memories.
I smoke 95% of my cigars alone :tg so I truly appreciate when I get the chance to enjoy the company of another true cigar smoker, which is only at herfs. You and Sam are very lucky indeed.

I only keep my cigars in one wine-cooler, around 65%. I let them sit for an hour or two and rarely have a problem with burn or draw.

Looking through the glass at the boxes and trying to pick one to smoke is tough, my main thing is how much time I have and what will I be doing.

Big game with 3-4 hours, big cigar. Tuesday night watching sitcoms or MTV, petit corona.
I have another "c" to add, from a noobie's perspective. It is confusion. So many choices, too little time and the desire to expand my exposure to different lengths, ring gauges and flavor profiles sometimes makes the selection very difficult. Going to meet up with friends to enjoy great conversation, drink and cigars is the pinnacle of this hobby, in my opinion. I fill my travel humidor as full as it can get with what ends up being a mixture of the above mentioned. My method of madness seems to be to cover all my bases by bringing a little of everything. As I become more educated and my palate a little more refined, I believe my selections fit together a little better. Not over thinking the experience of smoking a cigar seems to be something to remember. I know at my level of competence regarding cigar smoking, a few degrees here or there, a few percentage points of humidity here or there are less significant than the environment in which I choose to smoke the cigars in. As Dave mentioned, as you progress, these more finite points may make more of an impact, but I am not there yet. All I know is that where I was the day I joined here is a world away from where I am now. I expect that to become the trend as I continue to soak up the knowledge and experiences of others. To that, I owe all of the people who make up this family at CS.
Great post!!

Circumstance is the main thing I think of when I grab a smoke (I guess I combine company with this as well) If I am going to work, I grab a cheep stick that I like...and make sure it is one we sell. If I am going out with friends, I grab a cheep stick that I like...and make sure I have more I can share. I do not have too many super high end cigars, so I try to save the ones I have for special occasions. Lately however, a lot of everyday occasions have been made special due to a great cigar. For example: My band had a gig a few weeks ago. Before we went on stage, I smoked a Davidoff I got from Santa, WOW did that put me in a good mood, and it turned out to be a GREAT show.

Instead of thinking "How is this environment going to affect my enjoyment of this smoke" I now tend to think " How is this smoke going to affect my enjoyment of this enviroment."

...or else I just grab me a Brazilia Gol....cuz i love that smoke.
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Excellent points, Dave. I find myself much less inclined to even think about smoking a cigar, if I'm smoking alone (especially in the winter - see outside smoker). If I know I can get someone on the phone for an hour, at least I can enjoy some cigar talk while smoking. I enjoy reading while smoking, if I am alone, but like Eric said, this is where size starts to play a role (again see outside smoker in the winter). I remember last summer, sitting out back at 4 AM lighting up a RyJ Church, opening a good book, and being surprised when I noticed it was almost 7, when I laid it down.

I am truly envious of you and Sam, having a smoking room to stay warm, and someone to smoke with to keep you company, just a dream!!!

Company is probably my #1 decision maker in what to smoke, if I know I will be seeing certain people at, say, a non-herf ;) ...I will plan on smoking certain cigars that I wouldn't otherwise. Maybe pull out something that I have been meaning to smoke for a few months, but couldn't justify. I like being able to bounce tastes off someone who has smoked the same cigar, or passing it to someone to see if we are getting the same flavors. Plus I just enjoy a cigar 10 fold, when hanging with a bunch of friends.
Nice post. I find myself smoking by myself way too much. Many friends, but I really don't have anyone that enjoys cigars like I do. I have to agree though that I look back and think on some of my most memorable cigar smoking experiences are with good company, and they weren't even that great cigars. Funny huh! When it comes to choosing I tend to do go through my coolers every now and then select a few from some boxes, and get them in the desktop, so they are ready to smoke. I just take a look through and usually mix it up. I rarely smoke the same cigar back to back because I like variety. Although there are those times that you are just craving a certain flavor and that will be the cigar I go to.

I do agree, the perfect times though are good cigar, good friends, and good environment. Wish I could bring them all together more often.
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Nice post. I find myself smoking by myself way too much. Many friends, but I really don't have anyone that enjoys cigars like I do. I have to agree though that I look back and think on some of my most memorable cigar smoking experiences are with good company, and they weren't even that great cigars. Funny huh! When it comes to choosing I tend to do go through my coolers every now and then select a few from some boxes, and get them in the desktop, so they are ready to smoke. I just take a look through and usually mix it up. I rarely smoke the same cigar back to back because I like variety. Although there are those times that you are just craving a certain flavor and that will be the cigar I go to.

I do agree, the perfect times though are good cigar, good friends, and good environment. Wish I could bring them all together more often.

Theres a sig line if I've ever seen one :D
I gotta say that I enjoy smoking alone. It definitely does not get any better (for me) than to enjoy a cigar or four with some great friends, but there are many times when a cigar by myself out on the porch or in the garage is just what I need to unwind and relax. Maybe since I've got two fairly young kids I appreciate the solitude a little more :) I've also always been sort of a loner, so smoking alone feels pretty natural to me.

Many times I'll pour a drink and select my cigar based on whether I'll just be surfing the net, logging into CS, Skyping (been way to long Frank and Mark and I apologize), or watching a movie. I've come to enjoy watching a movie in my garage while having a cigar or two.

Circumstance definitely plays a part in my cigar selection. I am blessed to be able to have a variety of smokes on hand to match whatever mood I'm in. Contemplative moods usually call for larger and more complex cigars while anger (I find a cigar to be a great way to cool down) may call for a smaller, stronger, in-your-face smoke. Smoking with buddies usually involves several cigars of various dimension and strength. Working in the garage or in the yard calls for a cheaper cigar that I can enjoy but won't think twice about pitching should the need arise.
I smoke 95% of my cigars alone so I truly appreciate when I get the chance to enjoy the company of another true cigar smoker....

same here. its been rewarding making my 2 bros and 1 bro-in-law convert from scrap crap like Al Capones and Backwoods. but all in all only my uncle-in-law truley speaks the language, reads the mags and can rap with me on wrappers, the best puros etc

so Klugs, goes without saying, your right. its all about the 3 C's. BUT if you only have 2 C's that will ultimatly do, if you love the experiance :)

nice post Dave :al
Klugs, I'm going to have to agree with on all 3 c's. Company is the most important, followed by circumstances and the cigar itself. Just recently, I had a good friend over for a cigar to celebrate the life of my great-uncle who just passed (the last of his generation), and I wanted to light up something nice (I chose a Davidoff 2000-series). I'm not a fan of buying cigars by the box because I feel like I want to try everything (well, as much as possible) first. Because I've tried so many (many of which more than once) and I know what would go well with something else (food, company, etc.). Personally, I think that is the most fun part of the day! Choosing which cigar and why is a great "fundamental" question we ALL must answer. If I don't have much time, which size should I go with? The natural or the maduro? The robusto or torpedo? Do I even WANT to smoke that yet, it hasn't aged in my humi long enough?

You see (to me, at least), this is what makes cigars fun... not what you are smoking, but why!
To me smoking is all about the three C's, circumstance, company and cigar when it comes to enjoying the "experience".

what do you have against Coffee and Cognac???


Another great post Dave. In an ideal world I would have a smoking room in my house and more friends nearby who liked cigars...
Like Ermo, I smoke alone a lot of the time, but I don't smoke in the house (never, even when I lived alone). So I feel very fortunate when I have a chance to smoke with friends or acquaintances, but it's far too seldom an occurrence.

Tomorrow I'm going to a SB herf, we'll see if I stay till the end, since I'm not fond of overly crowded places.

And next week I'm going to have the pleasure of meeting Greg, a CS friend (the Director) in Vancouver for a smoke and an event at a shop there, so I'm looking forward to that.

Maybe we CS-PNW'rs can all decide on a weekly or monthly smoke spot to get together; until then, I'll be enjoying my smokes in my car or outside Rain City Cigars.
Just a great post, and some great do this way too often, Dave. :D

In trying to think of something to add to what you and the others have said, it just seems it has already been said perfectly. I think back to the "Barry Gibb Show" skit on SNL with Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake:

Barry (Klugs): "Do you have anything to add, Robin?"

Robin (Hog): " I don't." ;)

Thanks for the smile.
To me smoking is all about the three C's, circumstance, company and cigar when it comes to enjoying the "experience".

I agree here wholeheartedly. However, I also add to this "Cuisine".

So my choice is dictated by:

The setting, temperature, location.

Is this alone or with a friend? During a herf? Should I bring just one or should I bring a couple?

Cuisine: Will I be eating before? Will I eat during? Will I eat after? What have I eaten and how has it affected my palette and mood? What beverage will I pair with the cigar?

Now is the time to add the above questions and choose the cigar.
Dave, I enjoyed your thoughtful post, it was well done. It caused me to think about this hobby that I so enjoy and I realize that I share it with a very few people. Last summer I enjoyed many good cigars with my brother when he came with his family and spent a week with us. We had lots of good drinks, good cigars and lots of laughs. I realize I miss that; usually I smoke alone, it is a very solitary thing for me. But you are right, when company arrives, I am thoughtful about the smokes we will put to the torch. And like fine wine or booze, I pick those cigars which I think/hope my guests will enjoy as I do. If I have had a wonderful cigar I want to share it with the few people I ever smoke and relax with.
I appreciate your post, it caused me to get in touch, ever so briefly with those times I have spent with those closest to me.
and Chicks.....don't forget Chicks. ;)

I love my SOTLs, including but not limited to Anita, Michelle, Marianne, Natty, Dawnie, Annie, and others, so please know this was for a cheap smile, and completely tongue-in-cheek.
unfortunately I often times have to smoke solo as well...and I hate it. Any cigar in the world is more enjoyable with company. Granted if you are in a very peaceful setting after a long day.....sitting out back with the dog can be enjoyable...but I would pick smoking with a pal over alone any day of the week.
Very good topic, Klugs!

There are several factors that determine what I will smoke. Due to my job and other factors, it is seldom that I get a chance to share the enjoyment of smoking with someone outside of my immediate family. I am most fortunate to have a wife that enjoys cigars, and my sons also enjoy them. Company is important, and I choose carefully when I have those rare occasions to share the experience with someone outside the family. In these cases, I usually choose a cigar that I am familiar with and that I don't have to think about while I am smoking. It is all about my company and not so much the cigar. I also am careful not to "show off" in these cases and usually choose a rather conservative smoke.

Time is a big factor for me. I choose a cigar that I can smoke in the time that I believe I have to enjoy it. That is why my first choice of cigars is a Corona. This and the Robusto usually fit quite well in the time I usually have to smoke.

Environment is another consideration. I will choose different cigars in cold weather than I do in warm weather. I also will choose a different cigar for outdoor smoking than I will for indoor.

Temperment is another, and probably the most important factor, for choosing a cigar for me. If I have time to think about the cigar, and I know that I will not be distracted, I will choose a cigar from my humidor that I have not tried before. At this point, I can smoke a different cigar every night for a couple of weeks and not smoke one that I have had. I always smoke a new cigar when I am not distracted. If I just want to relax, I will smoke one of my familiar cigars - one that I can enjoy the moment with and not have to be analyitical. A lot depends on the mood that I am in. I will choose a different cigar for celebration than I will if I am trying to cheer myself up.

Each cigar is a special treat with special characteristics. I put a lot of thought in what I will smoke, and I often take five minutes or more to make my choice. Choosing is almost as much enjoyment as smoking for me.
I will choose different cigars in cold weather than I do in warm weather. I also will choose a different cigar for outdoor smoking than I will for indoor.

I'm very curious what your criteria is for cold weather vs. warm weather and indoor vs. outdoor. Is it solely based on RG and length or other factors?

BTW, This is a very interesting thread and has made me think a lot about my cigars habits.

I agree with every one that company and environment is best. My most memorable experience was smoking a connie on top of one the cockabooses at a U. South Carolina game with my best cigar buddy. I'm not even an USC fan and I gave away all my so called good cigars.