The Unofficial Annual Reminder

Mister Moo

The Pinnacle of Style
Cigar in the Mail Summer Warning.

It is getting hot now. Depending on the destination, if you post mail on Thur-Sat it may end up sitting in a rawther warm place for a couple of extra days.

Monday is a good day to mail perishables when the mailrooms (or trailers) turn stuffy.

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Another thanks for the heads-up!!! I knew there was a reason I had been buying cigars like crazy through the winter :ss
It's a darn shame that CBid won't ship weekly on say, a Monday. I've asked before, and they say it's some discount they get with DHL that keeps them on a Thursday rotation.
Good tip.
Thank you.

(This was one of my last original thoughts about cigar related stuff (2006). I am forced to post old, seasonal, original thoughts unless/until I have some new original thoughts. Don't give up one me. :))