Thirteen month anniversary pics!


Celebrating the completion of my 13th month on Clubstogie with some pics of my current stash. Why not do a more logical "one year" anniversary photo essay? Because I simply wasn't paying attention a month ago! So, I hereby present the photo essay, titled...

"Thirteen months of the slope! A pictorial essay."

Alternative title:

"I'm an obsessive organizer and am about three cigars from needing a new cooler but I can't get one because I'm engaged and my fiance hasn't looked in this cooler in a long time but if I got a new bigger one she would. A pictoral essay."

Picture one: Behold the glory of the coolerdor.

Picture two: Tier two. The good stuff. Shows the cigar coffin box spacers that are perfect between the trays. (Thanks Simplified!)

Picture three: Tier two, sans box spacers.

Picture four: The bottom dwellers... boxes, including my newest acquisition, Don Carlos #3s, and my oldest acquisition, Padron Delicias Maduro, now with 13 months of age.

Picture five: Tray 1. The lower/mid stuff. Cu-Avanas for the uninitiated and yard gars. That Patel bundle is a sampler of 5 each of 90/92/99 Torpedos. And some various Gurkhas.

Picture six: Tray 2. Some mid stuff, some good stuff, some great stuff! Singles mostly, a bit of everything.

Picture seven: Tray 3. The high end NCs. Woot. Trays 3 and 4 are on the lower level so that, in the event my fiance's brothers raid my coolerdor, hopefully they won't dig! And I have booby traps in there, as far as they know.

Picture eight: Tray 4. Huzzah.

This could/should be a bit of a slope warning to you noobs out there. This could be you, 13 months later and significantly poorer. And I neglected to show pics of the empty boxes, of which there are several. And this is, in fact, after a bit of downsizing to eliminate several smaller humis. So noobs beware! A mere 13 months! (And this isn't the worst I've seen by far, lol.)

Hope y'all enjoyed the pics. Hooray for Clubstogie!
Everything looks Top Shelf! Very nice collection. you got lots of good smokin' ahead! :tu :D
All I can say is: :dr:dr:dr!!! Thanks for posting the pics. You would laugh if you saw the dog rockets I have in my humidor. When I was a newbie I cheaped out and made a lot of bad decisions about what to buy.:hn As self punishment I'm forcing myself to smoke them up so I can re-stock with some of the wonderful sticks I've learned about here on CS. Maybe I can get a second mortgage on my house?
You are a sick and twisted individual. ;)
Nice lookin stash. I'd go right for the Padron's on the bottom.
You have done an excellent job of assembling a nice collection of smokes. Thanks for the pics! :tu

So, tell me... are you on medication for your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? :r

Just kidding! Don't mistake my envy :dr for abuse.
Congrats on the Thirteen month Anniversary! All those sticks are amazing and delicious. So when are you going to be hosting a herf? lol j/k
Congrats on the 13 months! :tu The collection looks great and it looks like you had a fun slide on the slope.
Very nice collection! But you should be a little more orderly, me thinks. I see some cigars that are not in alphabetized, color coded or size order. How can you stand this chaos?

Just kidding, of course! I really like how you used the single cigar cases to prop up the third layer; quite inventive.

Awesome :tu Out of curiosity, do you have any pictures from 13 months ago?

I just checked Photobucket, and I do have some old pics... from approx 11 months ago. As you can see, it is shortly after a cbid Gurkha explosion. At that time, the collection was a little smaller, though still pretty big for the 2-3 month mark (I jumped in pretty hard). It included TONS of samplers and singles (in the humi), which I'm starting to shy away from at this point, focusing on the good stuff and sticking with the stuff I like, rather than compiling a billion singles. The most notable items I've seen come and go are the boxes of AF 8-5-8s and Monte #4s (both of which were "go to" smokes and both of which I'd like to replace). The other two boxes (that are now gone) were an ERDM Robusto Sampler and a Fuente Holiday sampler. As stated, at this point, I've eliminated the humis, and have a few unused ones sitting around after my recent "downsizing."

I hadn't really looked at the old photos myself, lol. Kinda surprised me that I had so many sticks 10 months ago as well. (Although I took about a 6-8 month break from major purchases until recently.) Looks like the biggest difference is the movement to mid/high end stuff.



