Thoughts and prayers needed for a childhood buddy...


Bayou Bengal of Jungle
Just got word that my next door neighbor that I grew up playing baseball, football, paintball, and all other things that neighborhood kids do...was murdered a couple of days ago. Hadnt seen him in years...Appears a small drug deal gone bad. Never knew he went down that road but all that aside he was still one of the most kindhearted kids I knew growing up and you cant take that out of somebody. Good kid into academics and music...its a shame. Life cut short. I can remember sitting in my front yard talking with him when we were maybe 10 years old...He had a savings account set up that his parents would match him on the money he put in it. He was saving up for a old VW Beetle of all things. I used to joke with him about the car and why he would save for that instead of what other 10 years olds envy. He said thats what he liked...real down to earth kid. Didnt need the biggest sports car to make him happy....

But anyways as I sit outside amidst a small pouring of rain and think back on memories while having a drink and a smoke, Id appreciate any thoughts and prayers you guys could send to his family. They were very loving people and I know this is taking a huge toll on them right now. Thanks guys....


Ryan Heard
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Just terrible, with the pic you posted just made my heart sink Mike. Thoughts and prayers go out to Ryan and his family, such a tradgedy.
My heartfelt sympathy and condolences to his family and all those who loved him. Always sorry to hear of such a loss...
I am very sorry to hear of this terrible tragedy. I have added Ryan into my prayers, as well as his family, friends and loved ones. Thanks for being thoughtful and posting this for him.
May the Lord bless Ryan's family with an extraordinary peace and sense of comfort - and may they recall many special moments shared with him. God bless you, too, Mike.

My son had a close friend murdered just 5 blocks from our house in January 2005... just 2 days past his 16th birthday. I know it is terribly hard, but please know that the Lord is near and hears us when we call to him. Take care.
I've had a few of these events happen to myself as well and it's never easy. I try to keep the memories that make me grin (sometimes fiendishly) and disregard the ones that would taint those memories. I hope that his friends and family will come closer through this and not apart and also that the individual that committed the crime has been apprehended and is stewing over hot coals at this moment. Prayers go out to all of those touched.