Tierra del Sol by Perdomo 6x50 Robusto Mad

F. Prefect

Evolving Lead Gorilla
After having tried the Torpedo and Corona in this Tierra del Sol series, both in natural and maduro and finding them to at least have some merit, I found the Robusto to be a pretty poor excuse for a cigar.

Pretty to look at, well constructed, very consistant burn, and a nice draw, it would have made for a very good smoke had it had any flavor. Of course, as always when we run into a stick that's mild enough for a 10 year old, we always hold out hope that a few months in the humidor will perform some magic and turn the stick into a decent cigar, but in this case, it has a lot of work to do.

Why this particular shape is less flavorful than the others I've tried, I haven't a clue, but if want give this low end Perdomo a try, I would NOT recommend the Robusto. They look nice in the humi, but that's about as good as it gets.

F. Prefect