Tiger Lighter - from the coming soon thread


Lowland Gorilla
I have to start with wow, this is one of the best looking functional lighter ever. It has a bit of weight and feels solid and won't break if you drop it. The flame is okay, slightly not as strong as the pb 207 but does it ever look good. Check out the pictures. and he also incl a sherpa for me to hone the lighter skills on .. yay
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i am not a fan of tiger lighters, my first one conked out in 6 months, and their site is in japanese last time i checked. so i couldnt take advantage of the lifetime warranty.
You know its funny, I own like 10 torch lighters but lately I find myself preferring a soft flame lighter to lite my cigars. call me stupid but with the torch I feel rushed to hurry up and lite the stick, maybe the noise makes me feel like The fuel tank is gonna empty out any second, Lol. I'm still yearning for an Evertech lighter though. :2