Tobacco beetles, few questions


Evolving Lead Gorilla
Hoping for some help here guys. I have some specific questions about beetles. My air con went out in the house and my humi was in a room that was in the mid 70's.

1) I think chances are I won't get beetles, regardless of the temp because of spraying, tho I need to watch. True?
2) How long before I know for sure whether I will or won't?
3) Most of my sticks have been in the humi for a while, some are new. Are they all a potential source, do the larvae sit dormant for a long time?
4) If I put my sticks in glad bags and leave them in the humi while I check, should I be safe?
Any other pearls for me? Thanks, Kevin
Same here mine is about 75 degrees and 70% humidity. Cost to much to keep the AC below 74degrees. It has been that way for 2 years. You should be fine... :tu
As a disclaimer, I am new at this and could be wrong here, but I'm gonna take a stab...

From my understanding, tobacco beetles already exist in some cigars prior to introduction to your humidor. These beetles lay eggs in tobacco leaves while in the fields and/or while fermenting. Therefore, if I am understanding you correctly, the fact that you have "sprayed" means quite literally nothing. The higher temperatures induce the hatching of pre-existing eggs and the larvae grow into the beetles that one may find in one's humidor.

That said, and as these other gentlemen have stated, mid 70's is not a big deal at all. Alarm may be warranted if you start pushing the 80 degree mark. Until then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.


Thanks for the responses and reassurances. I'm a bit nervous about this because I have some cigars that I would hate to lose (e.g. half a dozen 10 year old Monte #2's). How long till I'm sure. In other words, now that the temp is controlled again, when can I say that I'm out of the woods? Any idea?
I wouldn't worry unless the temps stay above 75 for more than a few days, there are days here mine goes to 75, for a day then back down. If the temp goes up and stays there without coming down...then I would freeze them.:2
I think beetles are more prone to high humidity conditions...85-90 degrees with 85-90 percent humidity