Tomorrow just might be the most difficult day of my life.

Thanks for the kind words everyone, I can't even begin to tell you all how much it means to me. Apparently justice wasn't serviced today - I don't understand how a "parent" can be present at a party that they held in their own house with minors and one ends up dead and they're not held responsible for any of it. I spent the day listening to a bunch of teenagers (most of which were related to the parent) give testimony with more holes in it than swiss cheese and the defendant got off without even a slap on the wrist. Part of me thinks that the DA didn't do his job, who knows what it was. It's a blow back but I'm going to keep on keepin' on and take out this frustration on building a deck. I'll still burn on down later for my brother, just not for Justice - I've given up on that system. Thank you all again - after a long day I'm mentally and emotionally drained.
I have added you, your brother and your entire family to my prayers. Wishing you peace...and will burn one in your brother's honor.

Burning one now in your brother's honor. There is a lot of stuff that just doesn't seem to make sense or just doesn't seem right...we just have to have faith that everything happens for a reason and for the best in the end.

Hope that helps.
Your generosity of spirit will get you through this difficult time.
