Tooth Paste, Mouth Wash, Water or Nothing.

(Be Honest)How offten do you care for your oral hygiene

  • After Each Smoke?

    Votes: 10 9.9%
  • Twice a day, AM-PM

    Votes: 63 62.4%
  • Once a Day, Morning or Night?

    Votes: 23 22.8%
  • Only days that you Smoke?

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • You Don't remember when the last time you held a tooth Brush?

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters


Alpha Silverback
I'm not sure if there was a thread about this but I'm sure we can dicuss this one.

How do you handle your breath? teeth? Gums? etc....

Do you rinse your mouth after a cigar? or just let it go?

And if Yes how far do you go? do you use a breath spray? mint ? Mouth wash ? tooth paste ?

Or do you Brush your teeth twice or once a day?

Or you let nature take its cause????

And I think the most intresting would be to hear brands you think do the best job, both for Rinse and Paste.
Brush them twice a day, once in the morning, once before bed. Its about 50-50 on gum after a smoke but i have no problem letting it go, letting others share in what I just enjoyed!
This really depends. I usually clean up after a smoke, but it's more often than that. I usually wash at night, but not in the morning.
I brush twice a day...and depending on what I drink in the AM I will usually brush the grime off my teeth after lunch..If I know I'll smoke in the afternoon I may wait and brush then.
Brush three times a day, morning noon and night. If I have a cigar, then particular attention is paid to the brusing routine. Regular teeth cleaning is a must.
Morning: brush.. Brand? Whatever is on sale (sensodyne sometimes if I need it)

evening: floss, waterpic, rinse, brush.

After smoking: enjoy the flavor for as long as I can.

My teeth? -->:D

OK maybe not that white.
I floss & brush in the morning. I brush at night. Chew sugar free gum sometimes during the day.

I don't have a cigar every day. And, I only do it after my church business is done. I don't hide my smoking, I do it in the yard, fishing, golfing, fire meetings, etc... But I have had a member run into me somewhere when I had my pipe or a cigar in my mouth and say, "I didn't know you smoked... never smelled it on you before."

Biotene is a great product for tobacco breath.
I brush after first thing in the morning, after every meal, and right before I go to bed using a sonicare electonic toothbrush.

I will also use a mixture of peroxide and mouth wash before my morning and nightly brushing.

If I am around home I will also brush after having a cigar. I usually do follow up with a mint or breath spray after smoking as well.
I brush once in the morning after breakfast and at night after dinner. Maybe in between if the occasion arises. Floss once a day.

After a cigar, brush with Crest, rinse with Scope and usually a few shots of Cigar Clear.
Yeah the river water is extra scrumscious! Just kidding. Its good they have water tanks and sewers here so its not all too bad.

For brands.. Colgate Baby!
Nice thread. What is the best way to combat stogie breath? I hear the only way is water and time.

My sex life is hurting due to my hobby. I'm relegated to sex in the morning or late in the day long after a smoke. Is this my life going forward or can I improve my breath?
OT, but sorta not. I just went to get my teeth cleaned and a new service that is being offered is an oral cancer screening. basically, you rinse your mouth with a special fluid that tastes like vinigrette dressing and then they look into your mouth - ALL over - with, what appears to be, a black light wand. supposed to be able to spot any lesions, bumps, basically anything out of the ordinary.

since i smoked cigarettes for over twenty years (quit almost 3 years ago), cigars as well, i thought it was a good idea to have it done. i passed - they didn't see anything odd. cost was $65, of course NOT covered by my dental insurance...
Brush twice a day. After smoking I just have something to drink like a Beck non alcoholic beer. (been sober 15 years as of April 17th)

Did you know that the tooth brush was invented in Alabama?
If it had been invented in Georgia it would be called a teeth brush.

I brush in the morning, and any time during the day that I feel moved to.
If I smoke a cigar that has a finish that doesn't appeal to me, I'll brush right away.
If I eat onions or garlic or anything strong, I brush my teeth.
Someone mentioned the dentist. I go every six months. Always have since I was a little kid. I also use baking powder no and again to help keep my teeth white. It works great.
I brush first thing in the morning. ANd at night before I go to bed, with Colgate complete and I also rinse my mouth out with Listerine (the green one) I do the same routine and night and after every smoke.

I like it when people that see with a stogie in my mouth never revealings I smoked until then.
Dang, I'm the only guy that brushes after smoking....and rarely ever? SHEESH.... and my dentst says I do such a great job... Proof that coffee, massive quantities of water, and diet soda work wonders!