Topper Danli


I was recently purusing Holt's web page and came across the above captioned brand. I remember seeing the brand name before, but thought it was Topper USA that made the machine-rolled cigars. So, now I was curious to see if the two were indeed related and performed a Google which revealed the following from Cigar Cyclopedia:

Topper Danli:
[Honduras: available in 4 sizes]
Connecticut-based Topper Cigar Company has been making cigars since 1896! Long famous for its machine-made Topper and Rosedale lines, it has recently returned to handmade cigars, with its Danli line made in Honduras.

The ones we tried used medium filler, but burned well and were well constructed. Medium-to-full in body, the taste featured a hint of caramel and sweetness, but was too demure. There were highlights, but the cigars we tried lacked a consistent brightness of flavor that would grab our attention.

However, it’s well made, well priced and easy to smoke: a good cigar. With a little reworking of the blend to offer a sharper flavor profile, it could be a winner.
Overall grade: B: Good.

So, have any of my fellow Gorillas had the opportunity to smoke the Topper Danlis? If so, whats your take on these cigars? :cb