Tristar Zippo insert


·~«{·B'lieve Hon·}»~·
Has anyone seen this item, or know where to get one in the US or into the USA.

This is Zippo insert kind of like the Z-Plus, but it is not a torch, but regular flame. Also it uses flint ignition instead of electric, this thing really looks like a a real Zippo insert. Also they make models to fit both regular and slim Zippo cases. They also make a model that has a side hole in the chimney for lighting pipes.

I've scoured Google and could only find this retailer and they will not ship to the US.


I just got one and it works GREAT!
Excellent, this is a great find. Only thing is it doesn't look like KGM makes the slim insert.
I live within their shipping range, and I will be back in the states in december if you want me to order a couple and get them to you when I get back. PM me if youre interested. I might get one for me anyway, so it wouldnt be any problem. This goes for everybody.