Troop Supporter Raffle Drawing Announcement

I thought I'd bump this & say that I'm looking forward to seeing all the CO people at the draw on Sunday... Any idea on what time we are pulling the numbers?

I'm thinking mid-afternoon. We will post a brief explanation of the final number of qualified ticket holders who will be included before the drawing. I can't believe that the end is in sight!

Good luck to everyone!
I'm thinking mid-afternoon. We will post a brief explanation of the final number of qualified ticket holders who will be included before the drawing. I can't believe that the end is in sight!

Good luck to everyone!

Thank You for all the work you have done !

I can't wait for this. I'm getting all giddy with excitement.:chk

I'll see you all Sunday!! Tell your friends.
Pre-drawing Update

This morning we removed those who didn't send there cigars as promised from the eligible drawing list. A total of 11 raffle tickets were removed for a grand total of 542 eligible tickets. A new list of raffle ticket numbers was created to keep the sequence in order.

Final raffle ticket numbers

The drawing will be held and posted at 2:00PM MST.

Good Luck!!
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