

Tonight, while smoking a Torano 1916, I noticed that there was a tunnel in the ash running parallel to the cigar, right under the wrapper. I am pretty meticulous when it comes to checking for beatles, since I cant afford to lose a single precious cigar. There was no hole or anything like that, but just a void in the ash about 1/8" in diameter that ran for an inch into the cigar. What would cause this? It certainly doesnt seem characteristic of a beatle to bore from the foot in, and as I have said, I have never had any signs of them. More a question of curiosity rather than concern.
I have seen a Drawpoker make the same type of hole. Could it be a draw poker. Or one of those little guage tools that tell you if your cigar is properly humidified. I have been going to the shop you got to typically and i wouldn't think that they would test the cigars that way. Could it have been just a bad roll. I am curious too.
No, this was out of a box I bought...all of the others have been fine. I guess it was just an odd roll or something.
holy smokes, i was just gonna post about my cigar that tunneled today as well.

mine was the "normal" reason for a tunnel, and that is:
taking it out of the humi into a much more HUMID environment... being really close to the missouri river here north of KC, it gets a tad bit humid. i pulled a Trilogy Authentic Corojo out of my cuban humi (just cuz that's where i keep those), and i pulled my hygrometer out, it read 65%, then jumped up to 70% in less than 30 seconds!!

went outside, had to set it down while i tied my sons shoes, and i kept having tunnelling problems, first time ever (not the last, i imagine).
Kamikaiguy, good to see you posting again. I was kind of wondering where you were.........................

Jerry in Minnesota.

Think possible Beetle. May have been caused by a nymph that hatched in the cigar. I've seen this happen in a few cigars left over from an infestation a few years ago (luckily the beetles were already dead).
A good inspection of the local area of the humidor would be warranted.

I didnt notice any problems with the rest of them. Luckily they were all kept in a box separate from the rest of my cigars. I put the remaining ones (about 5) into the deep freeze. Better safe than sorry.
If it was a beatle, it had to be either Paul or Ringo because John and Paul are deceased.

Sounds as if your cigar was "booked." When they bunch the filler they just fold over the wad of tobacco like a book instead of smunching it around properly.
To elaborate on the "booking" phenomona a bit further; often the cause is a Marxist roller, drooling in his barcalounger, watching an Oliver Stone movie instead of what he is doing.
See!! Thats what happens when you take away the motivation of capitalism. :r

Differential equations, high level engineering dynamics, no problem....spelling that damn word, no can do. Ive done that about 50 times now, still cant remember which is which.

Thanks for the reply though, that seems a good answer. Ive noticed "booking" before, but it has never caused an ash problem for me. It must have been either that or one of those tobacco "bugs" that died off long before the box came into my hands.

Oh yeah... :fu

Allegheny is great. I recently got a one of the Nick Perdomo signed and number Perdomo2 samplers. I got number 62 out od 1000. I hit Allegheny at least once a month. Sometimes twice. Blooms is my weekly shope. But he is lmited on Perdomo, Torano and Oliva.

C2000 glad you missed me. My server at my house was down. I had no internet access. Now I do and I am Back. I should be posting a review of the new Perdomo La Tradition Silver label this wekend.
Good for you AAlmeter. Freezing is always a safe way to go.
BUT CigarTom is also right. The way tobacco gets bunched can also lead to tunneling, almost like guttering. Usually the difference is in the size. I've seen both kinds, and beetle tunneling usually leaves a much smaller discrete tunnel.

BTW, love the discssion on marxist rollers and capitalism. :r :r