Ucubed's nubbing tool picture thread


Lowland Gorilla
So a while ago, my roommate decided to post a thread of advice on nubbing a cigar seen here http://www.clubstogie.com/vb/showthread.php?t=169412 . I decided to try it out, and though I nub cigars with my hands I decided to send them out in bombing and trades and such as my signature gift. Now that I've sent a few out I would like to ask those people if to ever so kindly maybe post a picture (yes you Shellie, Jordan, Dan, Dan, Jason) . Below are the picture from the previous thread.


Courtesy of Ben and Bao, this is their picture =)


Ummmmm the paintballer and Marine demonstrating their cigar smoking prowess....I decided to be PC. Now you don't have to touch those stinky cigars with your hands!
lol I started...well I made 1 beginners chopsticks...you know usually kids get em with the rubber band and what not....sent one out =P