update from Ragin' Cajun-- Nick


2X Secret Probation.Bitch
and update via backchannels for you guys.

Subject: Cigar Pics from Ragin Cajun

How ya doing brother? I'm doing fine over here in good old Bagram, Afghanistan, USA. All my boys (and girls) are doing the job that they've been training to do, and believe me they are doing an OUTSTANDING job. So far nobody's been hurt other than their pride, and that's probably the thing that I'm most proud of right now.
I've attached some pics, hopefully you'll be able to view them. I'm also gonna try and put them on the forum, not really sure if the filters are going to allow that or not. I was hoping that you would be able check on and post them if I wasn't able to. They are pics from the last cigar night that we had with some of the guys from the 82nd, before they departed to come home back to the states.
Every one the guys in the pictures are having a good time, relaxing with a smoke by the fire. They all have instructed me to tell you and guys Thanks for everything that you do for the troops over here and elsewhere throughout the world. My response was that you all don't do it for the thanks but do it to thank all of them for their service.
To al the Gorilla's on Club Stogie: Thank You for everything that you to make it easier for us over here, it is a great relief when we get to sit and relax and a great way to help us fell like we're not here, hopefully you know what I mean by that.
To all the Troop Supporters: Thank You, for constantly giving supporting the troops. Without you all we wouldn't be able to enjoy the little things, that we all take for granted when we're in the rear. It is this bunch of Gorilla's that make this place so special, Thank You from all the troops. I look forward to getting home and helping out once again, I look forward to doing my part. Dave and Family, Thank You for everything!
aka: Ragin Cajun

thanks for the update. Prayers go out to you guys for a safe return. We appreciate all thart you do.. watch your 6. :tu
Good to here you're doing good. Thanks again, to you and everyone serving with you, for your dedication and service:u
There is nothing that we do or send to you guys that even comes close to express how much we appreciate what you do.
Stay safe and come home soon.

Thanks for taking the time to send a message and pics! Thanks for your service, please stay safe.:tu
Hey guys,
I haven't been here in a few days, or at least thats what it seems like. I wasn't sure whether or not the pics made it until now, glad to see that they did. Thanks for getting them posted for me. I'll be talking soon. Check Rog, I'm out.