

I usually only punch, but recently I got this CS cutter and now I sometimes use it. I have never V-Cut.

i was never a big v-cut man. I got a zino in a sizler wrapper onces pre-v-cut... to much for me. Kindof liek a gimick, but i dono. i stick to the cut.... or the punch. If they work for you... i dont know why u need more choices lol.
I enjoy the v-cut myself but like you find it hard to get a good cutter. I know Promethus makes them but I am not willing to shell a hundred bucks on a cutter. My local B&M has the hardwood v-cutters as seen here.

They work well but I don't know how well they will stand the test of time.

I think everyone here at Club Stogie should email Xikar and tell them that they need to come out with one and we will do a group buy but that just my :2 .
I like v cutters myself.

But like everyone said there isnt much out there. expecialy for carry.

There are a few desktop ones that are decent.

i've been looking at this one.


But have not had the bucks. every penny has been going to getting a room ready for my expecting son in aug.

If you get somthing please post a review on it
I have used that particular desktop unit and it works great. I picked up one at my local B&M for $4 but it makes a bigger V-cut than most of the other ones I have used except the big one that Hikari is talking about. I like them alot.

I've never seen a V-cutter here in Australia...It's a shame, I used to really like to Vcut my cigars, especially torps.
For a V-cut I just use a sharp knife (Al Mar Hawk below); I find it works well on any shapes. I use that more than anything these days.

The thing is you need a realy sharp v-cutter and one that will stay sharp
or they will just crush you cigar....

I realy like them and like the bigger V cuts.
just need to save my pennys for one. but the one i posted seems to be one of the lower priced desktop ones.. they can get expensive