Vicksburg Humi Owners humification question


Evolving Lead Gorilla
I started a thread yesterday about upgrading humis and the vicksburg won in a landslide. I just had one more question before ordering. How are you humidifying it? Id like to just put distilled water in the humifier it comes with, but was wondering if it works well. What are you proud owners using? Thanks.
I'm using a half pound of 65% beads combined with a couple of those small brass humidifiers. Works for me
I have the baby the brother, the Gettysburg. I just use a 4 oz. bead tube from heartfelt (70%) and it holds fine at 68%.
Be forewarned I had some problems early on but they were due mostly to my own impatience. I use the Western Humifier which it came with in the bottom of the humi but I also use two 1 ounce canisters of beads in the top two trays. I had noticed early on a difference of a few points in the rh top to bottom. I went as far as installing a fan. All turned out to be over kill. If you keep this baby at least 2/3 full (and I suspect you will) ;) you shouldn't have any problems with the Western Humifier it comes with.

Did you get this humidor?? I don't think you could go wrong.

I have both the Getty's & Vicks and in both I use Beads along with the humidifier it came with. No troubles at all.

Sorry for such a late reply.
