Virginia to Ban Smoking!!!

Just keeps getting worse... I still don't understand why all the tobacco lovers aren't more vocal in their opposition?

I'm not out there marching in the streets, but I've sent a few letters in to my reps and sens.
Unfortunately Smokers rights have become a thing of the past. Smoking is considered a scourge in society and Politician's are tripping over themselves to sponsor bill's banning smoking indoor's and elsewhere.
Thanks for posting this link. I sent a message to my Senator and Delegate about this. I hope and pray that clearer heads prevail on this issue.

I hope my state does not become like California!
It's sad when one of the tobacco capitols of the country trys to put a smoking ban in place.

FWIW... Prompted by Plex's post (elsewhere here), I wrote both my senator and representative, and tried to draw some correlation between the sensible use of tobacco and sensible use of alcoholic beverages. Both can be unhealthy, but both can be relatively safe if used in moderation.

In my letters, I had nothing to go on but my own expereiences, and the advice of my doctor:

-- I smoked cigarettes for many years before quitting.
-- Twice over the past 8 years, my dentist referred me to an oral surgeon for biopsies on suspect lesions.
-- Biopsies were negative, but my surgeon gave me this advice:

1. Brush your teeth and gargle with a NON-ALCOHOL mouthwash before and after smoking.

2. Alcohol (in any beverage) is as likely to cause oral cancers as tobacco. Gargle with clear water after drinking.

3. Stop smoking cigarettes... But go ahead and enjoy your cigars (taking the precautions above).

And so... In my letters, I tried to draw a parellel between the sensible use of cigars and the sensible consumption of beers and wines. I also tried to contrast the addictive use of cigarettes with the sensible use of cigars as a hobbiest. Of course, I also listed out the many famous men and U.S. presidents who smoked cigars.

Granted, I'll likely get a form letter back... But at least I've made an effort.

(I will make my letter available as a WORD document for copy/paste/edit upon request.)
if this passes, I move that we have a little civil disobedience. a smoke in on the steps of the capitol or on the governors front lawn
Even if this passes the House - the Virginia Senate will kill it on arrival, though we should expect it come into being eventually as the Socialists take over Virginia.
Guys - even though it is unlikely to pass, every time this bill gets approached it comes a little bit closer to being enacted, and the anti-smoking lobbyists get another jab in. They haven't won the fight yet, but if they keep pounding us in the face, sooner or later, we may go down. Everyone in VA should write their disapproval to their local reps.

I wrote to my Delegates Rob Bell and David Toscano and haven't heard back yet...Sen. Creigh Deeds responded back to me immediately saying he voted NO to the ban and will continue to do so. Hopefully others share his sentiments!
When they start that kind of talk here in North Carolina, everybody should make their peace with the Lord because the world is coming to an end a few days later. A guy in the little town I live in (and I know him relatively well) just opened a sports restaurant/bar and he made it "non-smoking" because he has allergies.... Can someone explain to me how you watch a football game without firing up ? I really just don't get people. I really don't.
SHOE said:
When they start that kind of talk here in North Carolina, everybody should make their peace with the Lord because the world is coming to an end a few days later. A guy in the little town I live in (and I know him relatively well) just opened a sports restaurant/bar and he made it "non-smoking" because he has allergies.... Can someone explain to me how you watch a football game without firing up ? I really just don't get people. I really don't.
But he has a real reason for opening a non-smoking business, whether it survives remains to be seen. I realize that a lot of people do not enjoy being in the presence of tobacco smoke. Fine, and I can have days were I don't want to be surrounded by it. But, a business owner should have the RIGHT to determine if he/she will cater to one clientle or another, or attempt to handle both! When hiring employees a legal requirement could have them advised on the smoking status of the establishment, and they can decide whether to accept the work or not based on that.

But these bans are getting so stupid, based on correlations of smoking and health effects, and assumptions that have no documented proof - yet!

These laws are so silly, if smoking is that damn bad for the smokers, and now they claim those around smokers, then why don't they outlaw tobacco COMPLETELY!

You know, like the government did with alcohol and Prohibition - alcohol was addictive, led to violence and caused significant health issues. They simply banned it all outright and everything was better, wasn't it? No? Want to do that all again?

A waste of tax dollars, totally disgusting and obscene!
Mark, if you're inclined, would you kindly research and post who are the primary and secondary sponsors of the bill, and their respective party affiliations? I'm doing something of a little informal survey, to prove a point I made in another thread.