What games did you play as a kid?


I know there are some young'ns on this board and video games are what kids like today, but I thought it would be fun to see what some of you played as a kid.

I had tons of board games, but one of my favorite games as a kid was "Jarts"(or Lawn Darts). The object was to throw your darts into a ring and you scored points for being in the ring or closest to the ring (like horseshoes). You had one color of darts and your opponent had another color. God forbid nowadays for a kid to throw a pointed object from one end of the yard to the other.

You can mention anything. Let's bring back some memories!
SHOE said:
I know there are some young'ns on this board and video games are what kids like today, but I thought it would be fun to see what some of you played as a kid.

I had tons of board games, but one of my favorite games as a kid was "Jarts"(or Lawn Darts). The object was to throw your darts into a ring and you scored points for being in the ring or closest to the ring (like horseshoes). You had one color of darts and your opponent had another color. God forbid nowadays for a kid to throw a pointed object from one end of the yard to the other.

You can mention anything. Let's bring back some memories!
That's hilarious. Before I even clicked on the post the first thing that popped into my head was "jarts." Anybody old enough to remember when they were still sharp enough to impale the neighbor kid?

I also loved Operation, Rock'em Sock'em robots, those wired remote control cars and dinosaurs, lincoln logs, Mr. Potato Head, Electric football with those damn guys that would never go straight. Did anyone ever make a field goal?

Later I loved the Strat-O-Matic card sports games.

I hated CadyLand. It just pissed me off.
Board/card games:
Risk, Monopoly, Mille Bornes

On the computer (roughly older to newer):
Lode Runner
Scarab of Ra
Dark Castle
Beyond Dark Castle
Movod II (two tanks go around a figure 8 track and shoot at each other)
hoyohio said:
Anybody old enough to remember when they were still sharp enough to impale the neighbor kid?
Hell, we used to throw them at each other.

Another thing I used to play was "Smash Up Derby". I had my appendix removed when I was 7 and when I got home from the hospital my mother and sister had bought that for me. You had these cars that you put a rip cord through to make this big wheel inside the car turn and it made the car roll (and fast I might add) - and they'd go buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. They looked like they were all beat up and they were designed to fly apart on contact (the bumpers pushed in and made the doors and hood, etc. fly off. You aimed them at ramps facing each other and you made them jump at each other and BAM! - pieces everywhere. I loved those things.
Stickball, handball, punchball, monster tag, ringo livio, baseball, softball, football, basketball, bike riding, rollerskating, scooters, blackjack, tonk, spades, hearts, poker etc. etc.
Ahhhhh - stickball. I've stolen many a broom or mop handle for that one.

What is "ringo livio" and "tonk"?
Well, jarts here too when the weather was nice. Indoors, grandma made us the button on a string. More commercial games were Chutes & Ladders, The Jetsons, and when playing alone, the Etch-a-sketch. Then along came the Slinky which changed my world. Those are still cool to me. :)

SHOE said:
You had these cars that you put a rip cord through to make this big wheel inside the car turn and it made the car roll (and fast I might add) - and they'd go buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I had an Evel Knievel bike like that. Unbelievable how far those things would go.

Had a cool Stretch Monster, too. Until my brother stabbed it in the chest multiple times with a letter opener so he could see the goo.

He also shaved my GI Joe.
We played "Pick Up Rocks".......I still think I was getting hosed. Mom and Dad never sprung for the Deluxe edition.

(for those who dont know, I am 22. So this makes the joke all the more funny because I grew up in the electronics era)
hoyohio said:
I had an Evel Knievel bike like that. Unbelievable how far those things would go.

Had a cool Stretch Monster, too. Until my brother stabbed it in the chest multiple times with a letter opener so he could see the goo.

He also shaved my GI Joe.
My friend had the Evel Knievel bike and I remember playing with "Stretch Armstrong" until he got sticky from leaking our around his head.

I also had a ton of Hot Wheels cars and model cars. I even painted my Hot Wheels with model car paint.
board games



rockem sockem robots
erector set
tinker toys
Lincoln logs
girder and panel set by Kenner
fort apache
army men
tether ball
four square
capture the flag
kick ball

and last but not least

Cowboys and Indians riding a horsehead on a stick.

also used to play stoop and take it with the neighbor girl.
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Lincoln Logs -

I remember building some serious mansions with those things, then I'd take my army guys and bomb what I built with the logs I had left over.
lmao...and i thought i was the only one who got screwed into playing "pick up rocks" -- every freaking saturday morning. sometimes i even got to play "pick up clippings" where i'd follow my dad around as he trimmed the bushes, etc and bagged all the crap. ugh.

anyways, real games --

Outside: tetherball, baseball, 4 square, butt's up (anyone else remember getting pelted with tennis balls?), kickball, trip city

Inside: Computer games (Carmen Sandiego, Oregon Trail), Nintendo (this one took up a lot of time), Life
When I was ten, the family took a trip out West in a VW bus over three months. To keep me busy on the drive, my Dad agreed to pay me 5 cents for every windmill I counted. Big mistake... I had some serious pocket change for a ten-year old on that trip. Had enough to by a pipestone indian pipe with a buffalo on it by the time we got to Pipestone, Minnesota.
Teninx said:
"Mow the Lawn"
"Clean the Garage"
"How long can you keep your mouth shut?"
:r I think we all got to play those and the parents threw in "Flyswatter Tag" as a bonus if you didn't do it.
ahh, the memories...

board games - those mentioned, but i'll add
-battling tops

card games:

-war games
Super Mario brothers, Megman, Pacman, Gouls and Ghosts, so many other video games, memory soooo bad.

I did also play the Battletech board game when I was younger.
Anybody willing to admit they had a "Lite Brite"? I did - loved it. I drew my own pictures and inserted them in the grid.