What is a Match?

I try to always use matches for my pipes and I try to always use a torch for cigars. I'll improvise if one or the other is unavailable. If I do not have a torch or any matches...anything that's hot enough to ignite tobacco is fair game.

Viva la stove top stogie! :D
What else is there to use? What is this torch business?

First coolers and now torches!!! Soprano3695 - You have come to the right place!!!

We are gonna get you plugged in!!!:tu

This is a torch:


Matches? Matches??? We don't need no stinking matches!!!
I can't find good cigar matches, so I use cedar spills. I guess I like the ceremonial effect. I always get a nice light too.:ss
I PREFER matches...I like that they toast rather than torch the cigar. Ask Guitarman...he has smoked with me many a times and will tell you that I have matches everywhere you go. I do keep a couple of lighters around, primarily for when I am driving and for when I am golfing...otherwise matches....
I got some long cedar matches for a gift and I use them every once in awhile .Heck the even smell good burning after the sulfur burn off
I use the matches every once in a while, and I like the nostalgia of it. Particularly when I have to fly somewhere and it leaves you with no other options besides soft-flame lighters. I like the light you get, but forget it if you have burn issues or have to relight after some time.

I have a colibri transpack so I can take my torch with me whenever I travel.
I used to use matches, but in the wind it was near impossible to light. I just got a torch, and thats what I use now, most of the time.
I use matches a lot since until recently I did not have a good (i.e. reliable) lighter and got tired of fighting with cheap ones. Plus, I travel a lot and find it far easier to travel with matches than a lighter now.

I use this technique with standard wooden matches that B&M shops give away:

Take 2 matches, strike them at the same time. After they light, separate them about a 1/4 inch to make a wide flame. Char and light.

With a little practice, you can work the matches with one hand and hold the cigar with the other and light any cigar with one pair of matches.

With a little more practice, you can put the cigar in your mouth and do a Marlboro Man-style cup with your free hand to block a modest breeze.

Matches are fun, but they only seem to work when the air is absolutely still. I use a torch lighter for most everything now (thanks again tcharya!), but I do carry a couple boxes of cheap matches from the B&M as a backup. Comes in handy sometimes!

Just the other day I found my grandpa's old match safe from World War I in my Gerstner box...now I gotta find a reliable source of strike-anywhere matches!
Take 2 matches, strike them at the same time. After they light, separate them about a 1/4 inch to make a wide flame. Char and light.

With a little practice, you can work the matches with one hand and hold the cigar with the other and light any cigar with one pair of matches.

I use the same trick with B&M matches. It's the only way I can be sure of getting a decent flame. (Makes the big pile of matchboxes in the kitchen drawer shrink faster too!)
I have a friend over on another non-cigar forum who will only use Swan cigar matches from England. I've used matches, but prefer a torch, it's just easier...
Matches as often as I can. I enjoy the process of lighting a cigar with a match, and I consider it a point of pride if I can correctly light one with just one match (considering they're only about 1 1/2 inches long).
I have tried to "get into" the matches thing, but its lost on me. There are a lot of variables to deal with also. Wind really makes it interesting, and you need so many of the damn things to get it going. And then if the wrapper has burn issues, a torch really comes in handy for quick touch ups. So, for me, I too have forgotten about matches, and no longer feel bad about it. Besides, with the Ronson being so cheap, and bulletproof for more than a year now, I owe it to this thing to find its breaking point. No end in sight as of yet.
It's times like this I wish I could write like Da Klugs.

Lighting a cigar with a torch takes away from the event of having a cigar. When I want to fire one up I want the ceremony of it all. A match does this for me. A lighter is more like everything else in this life, we need it faster, everything faster. We don't even have the time to light a cigar now a days, we have to have it instantly lit. We need to slow down and enjoy the moment. Cut or my preference, bite the cap, feel the cigar, smell the wrapper, toast the foot and finally light the cigar.
Savor the moment, you never know when it will be your last.

All the best,