What to pair with this cigar???

A cigar that fine should be paired with nothing less than champipple.
Did you hear that Elizabeth?
Personally, I would make the person who sold you the "cigar" a nice plate of cow pie and tell them it is Filet Mignon.
I think the best way to enjoy these are on a cold night on the back patio with a bottle of Jack.

First you pour out a shot. Then you pour it on top of the pack while it sits in the ash tray. You light the whiskey soaked pack, break out your snipped RP double maduro, light it off the ash tray fire and enjoy another shot of jack with the real cigar!!!! :ss:ss:ss

Perfect. Except light the RP with a match, you don't want to wreck it.
Some pics from a review I did...



Great pics. Here's a review I did on a higher quality wine. This ought to go well w/ your stick!
In Baltimore they're trying to ban the sale of 'single small cigars'. Specifically blunts, B&Ms, White Owl, etc. One woman quoted in the article mentioned wine flavored black and milds as her favorite. So take that for what it's worth ;)

PS - Take a look at the first paragraph or two of this article and tell me if you can keep your blood pressure from rising: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/baltimore_city/bal-te.md.cigars29may29,0,3578384.story

I think they want to ban them because teenagers crack them open and smoke weed out of them... Makes more sense than banning them.