What's the coldest you've ever smoked in?

When I was working in Prudhoe Bay and would have to take the Cat out to do some pressure readings, I'd smoke in the cab and it would be -80 to -90 outside. I'd bundle my big ass up, run out and take the readings I needed, then get back in the cab and keep smoking my Flor de Olivas while I got warm. Great way to spend 10-18 hours every day.

Holy crap man! Where on god's green earth does it get that bitter cold? Yellowknife? I hope that's Fahrenheit...
36 degrees last night here in Fort Huachuca.

i was smoking outdoors on Staten Island last new years eve, but didn't note the temperature.
Early this week, it was -30something F with the windchill - I went out to my smoking shed, bundled up, and enjoyed a "tasty hand rolled treat". Hey, somebody has to do it!!

Today, it warmed up quite a bit, (only -16F with the windchill) so I smoked two cigars while blowing out the driveway.
-70 & 0 wind, winter at Eielson AFB AK 26 miles south of Fairbanks. Nice cool night to watch the Northern Lights and partack of a cigar/pipe (not to mention sipping anti-freeze AKA: WILD TURKEY).