Where's Prop 86

The polls just closed 30 minutes ago. We won't know with any certainty until tomorrow morning.
Another important one that needs to be defeated

rop 87 -- 2,204 of 25,043 precincts reporting (9%)
Prop 87 - Oil Tax
No 901,611 59%
Yes 628,463 41%
I was wondering that, too, the big sites seem to list 85 & 87, but not 86.

Thanks for the update, hornitosmonster.
I came here to report this very thing.. Glad to see its being voted down thus far, but I was dissapointed when only 9% of the precincts had reported.
from the LA times:

Proposition - 86 Cigarette Tax - California 173 of 25231 Precincts Reporting
Name Votes Pct
No 315,417 50.79
Yes 305,552 49.21
Prop 86 -- 2,669 of 25,043 precincts reporting (11%)
Prop 86 - Cigarette Tax
No 864,187 54%
Yes 728,437 46%

Close but hopefully it wont make it

Prop 86 -- 2,669 of 25,043 precincts reporting (11%)
Prop 86 - Cigarette Tax
No 864,187 54%
Yes 728,437 46%
Holding Steady...We might not know until late tonight or the morning

Prop 86 -- 3,431 of 25,043 precincts reporting (14%)
Prop 86 - Cigarette Tax
No 985,062 55%
Yes 799,657 45%
21.5% ( 5391 of 25090 ) precincts reporting as of Nov 7, 2006 at 9:41 pm

Cigarette Tax 974,273 44.9% Yes 1,192,185 55.1% No
CA Key contests

Governor - Ahnuld (R)
Lt. Governor - Tom McClintock (R)
Secretary of State - Bruce McPherson (R)
Attorney General - Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown (D)
Insurance Commissioner - Steve Poizner (R)
U.S. Senate - Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Congress - Gerrymandered to oblivion. My district had ONLY Diane Watson on the ballot. Like Castro, Saddam, Stalin and Mao, she got 100% of the vote in my district.
Propositions: ALL the bonds look like they're going to pass. Only 2 of them are for infrastructure, so that means Californians 30 years from now will still be paying for stuff they can't see.

83 Sex Offender Reform 70.9% 29.1%
84 Water/Flood/Park 50.9% 49.1%
85 Parental Notificat. 47.2% 52.8%
86 Cigarette Tax 1,099,440 45.8% 1,297,056 54.2%
87 Energy/Oil Tax 42.1% 57.9%
88 Educ. Fund/Prop. Tax 20.7% 79.3%
89 Campaign Public Fund 24.3% 75.7%
90 Eminent Domain 50.2% 49.8%

86 & 90 are big. Rolling back gov't's OPINION that they can seize private property is HUGE. Yes on 90 puts a stop to this.

San Freakcisco has voted by 2/3 for 86 and AGAINST sex offender restrictions. Gee, here's a map of California showing the results for 86.



Refresh this post to get the current results and map. I've long wanted to have all the counties touching the bay to secede from California to create a new Peoples Democratic Republic of Berkeleystan.

In general, the above means that in California violent felons and illegal immigrants will get hero's parades, our southern borders will be thrown open wider, and wonkish McClintock will have heart failure trying to get the state to balance the budget with RINO Ah-nuld's unlimited social programs. The only convicts under Jerry Brown will have CEO on their business cards. Oakland under Mayor Brown has the 24th highest murder rate in the country. Los Angeles, by contrast, is ranked 73rd. When lefty NPR reports that Oakland has a SOARING crime rate, things are bad for California if he wins.

But I'll be able to buy from my B&M for only exhorbitant rates, not obscenely confiscatory rates.

Now we need to roll back Rob "Meathead" Reiner's tobacco taxes whose funds are used to pay for his lefty advertising pals.

Cruz "N-word-using MeCHA member" Bustamente is being retired. Yay!

I have a theory on why the Nevada-border counties want 86 to pass. They are going to make a FORTUNE in smuggling cigs from Nevada.