which hygrometer you like?


Newbie in the jungle
Looking to upgrade to a digital hygrometer. Are there any out there that are better than others? Any to stay away from??
Any digital works pretty well. Just make sure you do the salt test to see if there's any error on the reading
I like the Caliber ones also, but I'd like to find one that fits in the rectangular space that my humi has alooted for the hygrometer
I have the cheap Walmart one and the Heartfelt rectangular one. The Walmart one calibrated right on last time and the Heartfelt one was -5%. I put them in my calibration chamber (a Jif jar) last night to retest them.
I have a few...but they all seem to work within 1% of each other...my fave is an adjustable one but i don't remember the make. i think that any digi should work okay....your local b&m should have some good ones...
Nice, I can now say that I've had an official brain fart today!?!?:ss

I picked up a digital adjustable from Heartfelt and it's spot on. Pain in the ass to calibrate due to the terrible knob, but after about a week or so in it's 75% environment i finally got it spot on. Way better than the analog I have which is way off :)
I use a couple of hygrosets. I like them. I believe they are repackaged under several names, like humicare@CI and the Madelains and the Xikar hygormeters have the same guts, different packaging. I like them and they can be adjusted so you do not have to remeber the offsets of your different hygrometers.
I have a simple Springfield Precise Temp Hygrometer that I picked up at Wal-Mart for 7 bux. Works fine.

Guess you got lucky with the one you bought.

I have a Hygroset adjustable but wanted a 2nd and bought the Springfield. Did both the salt test and the Humidipak test at 70*F and both times the reading was 81%. 6 points off.
I don't really think that it matters. It's all the same if it's 5-6 points off, as long as it's consistent.
The little havana "cigar" hygrometer. I like it's size, since it allows me to see the humidity/temp through the glass, without eating up much space, if any.
I also use a Diamond Crown. In my travel jar I have an adjustable from CI. As backups, I have the standard assortment from Walmart.