Who do look to?

Who in the jungle do you look for when wanting an opinion on the flavor profile of a cigar? Given that our palates are a bit different, I don't mean to imply your tastes are an exact matching. Instead, I am thinking more towards someone you trust to evaluate a cigar. Someone you can pretty much count on feeling or describing the same things you do for the most part.
I will research a cigar across several boards and will look at entries in the Top 25 Database and try to discern a consensus of opinion on any given cigar. So I guess that it is no one person whose reviews I lean upon to get an opinion.
I would say...
Da Klugs
Rock Star
The Professor
just to name a (very) few of the opinions i respect here...
I would have to say Ermo altho I love the stuff 68tri & IceHog sends me.:dr Then again I like just about everything everyone sends me. (why did u even reply):confused:
I usually talk to Scottie and Patrick about it because we pretty much like the same stuff.

After that I pester Tom, Frank, Ron, Klugs and Mr Trishield....sometimes Dustin, but he doesnt read his PMs :D

Lots of great folks here with tons of knowledge and always willing to lend a hand and be helpful.
You Dave! You have given me some great tips in the past for fine smokes. I also pay attention to the comments made by some of the long time residents.
I would have to go with Tom. Anyone that can taste rust, raw potatoes and root beer in a cigar can't be wrong!!:D
I would have to say I am almost always in agreement with the Crazyfool, with the exception of the RyJ Short Churchills. That reminds me, I need to give them another try.:ss
Basically I scan the boards for reviews via the search function, check it on Top 25 to read flavor notes and then make a call on it.
If it hadn't been for Da Klugs, I don't believe I ever would have discovered that Will of the Wisp of the cigar world - the legendary Cremosa. ;)
I would say any of the FOG's and Mods simply because they are very knowledgable in many facets. I also tend to look to those who have similar tastes. I rely on Kenny, Scottie, and Nigel a lot when it comes to taste because we share many favorites.
Well, if you want to know who has sent me great cigars I am afraid the list would be too long. Jon has given me a nod towards some great stuff and ShawnP has turned me onto some good pipe tobaccy. Icehog has introduced me to some wonderful smokes and he and Old Sailor have given me my favorite t-shirts!

It would be easier to tell you about the nasty cigars I have had from...er, let see...gosh, I can't think of any:tu
I usually go to the top 25,,but trust TXMATT as someone who is in the know ...

Jerry in Minnesota.
I love reading reviews. From the one sentence discription of a decent smoke, to the full page outline of the whole experience...I love reading them all.

I think Tom, Aaron, and Bob did a GREAT job in the Cyber Herf IV thread. It's really cool to get more than one opinion on a stick, and after reading other reviews by them, I tend to agree with their findings and I trust their expertise.
RGD and TxMatt. RGD's taste's and like's are so close to mine it's scary.

And Matt has not led me astray on the cheap side yet.
There are many I look to for advice and opinions. As far as similarity of palate, I typically find my experiences/preferences align with Fredster's reviews and tasting notes.