who smokes everyday

I try to have a cigar once a day,but it doesnt always happen. I like to sit down and have a nice smoke and not rush it so its hard to make that kind of time. Plus I have a few select "friends" who will not come near me after a smoke. lol cigar or "friends" company,will tell you cigar trumps them,sometimes hehe
I do. At least. Never more than 3. Unless I am drinking and near a fire pit, then sometimes............never mind.

Yes, every day.
I average 2 a day.
Except weekends, when I smoke more.
And parties.
And when friends come by.
And Thursdays.
One a day - it is nice to have a stogie when I get home from work. Sometimes I take the laptop out back and check out CS, sometimes I water the plants, sometimes I throw the ball for my dogs.
Weekends I smoke more, usually while playing cornhole with friends.
Haven't been through a winter yet, but I imagine I'll smoke in the garage when I play darts.
I generally end up smoking one a day, sometimes too, very rarely 3 maybe if theres a party or golf outing or something. I try to smoke 1 at the most though I worry about the health effects, I mean I'm only 22 so I don't wanna be smoking a cigar a day for the next 40 years,,,,,,, or do I? :ss
Up until about a month ago, I was at about 2-3 per week. Now I'm pretty much at one a night...not coincidentally, it was about a month ago that I first began lurking here... :hn
In the Spring, Summer and Fall, most days...less in the winter, but that will change this year as I smoke more often in the house than I used to.
I a day maybe two. Since I stopped smoking the bad stuff (cigerrettes) I have been right at 1 a day..

and yes what is a cornhole??
3-5 a day here. Weekends 6 easy. :ss


I average 4 a day. About the same on weekends except for when I am with friends or watching sports or fishing.... oh nevermind.

Robert :ss

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