Won a New Model Stinky


mr. mom
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I entered the
La Aurora in the Stinky Cigar Ashtray - Herf Edition Contest


I missed by about 400 on the number of cigars in the ashtray (1,375 over ten months) for the grand prize but won the stand stinky in the raffle. Stinkys have gotten a lot of "press" on CS but the new model is really cool looking. I like the clean simple lines of it. Reminds me of the old school floor ashtrays with all of the benefits of the stinky bowl.

The other thing I have to say is the staff are really personable and friendly. I had added some foolish rambling about the quasi formula I used to come up with my guess. I got a full response to my rambling and an explanation with analysis of how I could have been more precise. Which was dead on I might add. I was being kind of lazy with my initial thoughts. His conclusion of "it just ends up being a wild ass guess!" was dead on as well because all our machinations came up significantly off anyway. The winner was off by 2.

A final note on this company, when I bought a stinky from them before they were also friendly and personable with a great product and fast service.

5/5 for Stinky
Thanks. I thought it was pretty cool. I had forgotton about the contest until I got the email today. That will look nice on the smoking porch. :)
That is awesome, think I need one of those for the smoking basement. Congrats! :tu
Nice pick up. Lets see how long it takes to fill er up.

At the rate I have been smoking recently it will take awhile. I can't wait till it gets in. Definitely a cool prize and a I like the stand aspect. I'll have to throw it in the car and bring it to MoB herf.