You know you're addicted to cigars when...

:r Soooo true! Looks like this was taken around, I'm guessing May?:ss

... you head out to the porch to smoke when your view looks like this:

You know you are addicted when you can't understand why the cool woman at the bar isn't impressed with your large ring gauge.
i have 22 bookmarked pages, besides the "quick files" and "mozilla links" that come as defaults, 11 direct cigar sites, club stogie, image shack to host cigar pics, moki's "vitolas" to i.d. em, paypal to pay for em, my 2 bank accounts to funnel $ to paypal, and 3 lighter sites.
addiction is a mofo
I don't have something funny to add, but I seem to buy a box of cigars even when I already have several boxes stuffed in my 7' humidor! I can't stop buying them, so I guess I have an addiction. I haven't resorted to going down on anyone for a box yet, so I guess it's better than crack rock! :)